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Psychic Phase


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hi all ive been having an argument with a few in the GK thread and thought i would get some answers here...


first question is about DTW...


the rule begins with the targeted Psychic powers...so goes on to say choose a unit that was a target, apply modifiers, etc

but then it drops down to the un-targeted psychic powers...it says you may choose to deny these powers, to do so follow the above process but apply no modifiers...


the above process being for targeted psychic powers...explicitly says, choose a unit that was the target of a psychic power


looking at it i think i answered my own question...i guess for blessings etc you would just skip the target choice and modifiers sections...as it says you can choose to deny these powers...really needs to be reworded i think...thoughts?




the second iussue coming up is the amount of psychic powers a ML1 psyker can cast...the rule reads


"the amount of psychic powers a psyker can cast depends on his mastery level"


so a psyker with a mastery level of 1 would cast 1 power per turn correct?  But he could know a couple of powers just has to choose which to cast


some have tried to argue with the rule from the psychic phase...basically keep casting powers until you have run out of warp charge...


but if a ML1 psyker could cast more than 1 spell each turn if they had the warp charge...then that would mean my purifer squads could cast Cleansing Flame, Hammerhand AND Force...making them a unit from hell and stupidly OP...it has always been a single choice, a strategically you have to make the descision which would benefit you most...thoughts?

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