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Landraider Terminus Ultra in other armies than Ultramarines


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Does it state anywhere within it's rules that it's an Ultramarines only unit?


If not, welcome to the world of the Black Templars (Land Raider Crusader), Dark Angels (Mortis Dreadnoughts) and Blood Angels/Grey Knights (Stormraven Gunship).


All of the above are codices that lost one or more units that were originally 'Only X Chapter can take it'.

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Its a formation, with the same cost as a basic LR, so I guess, atleast in Unbound lists.


It definitely is an Apocalypse formation, for regular formations did not exist at the time War Zone: Damocles was published. S, yes, you can only play it in Apocalypse.


Well, maybe you can play it in unbound, but only if your opponent allows you to (for a great narrative mission I would allow it, but establishing an agreement at least a day in advance, to write a suitable scenario and to think about a list).

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its a ultra formation, note the spear of macragge title. BUT the tank its self does not have a chapter tactics on it so it can be taken on its own.


But you HAVE to take Chronos, who has Ultramarines Chapter Tactic.

Can Chronos and the tank have different Chapter Tactics?

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no but in apoc i would be hard pressed to say no to other chapters paying for chronus to represent a super tank master from their chapter and running it as BA or SW or DA or any CT

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Its apocalypse. Which means every group out there will have its own house rules about what you can and cannot bring to the table under any particular circumstance.


Most wont care, but its going to be up to your playgroup more than it is the rules.

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