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1 unit, 1 shooting phase: pop transport & shoot passengers?

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Reference 1:  Choose a Target

- a unit's shooting is fired at a single enemy unit


Reference 2:  Select a Weapon

- All shots from a unit are classed as shooting at the same time


The transport and the unit inside are separate units so the tactical squad can't split it's fire between the two


The boltguns actually shoot before the passengers disembark as they are fired at the same time as the missile launcher (even though you roll them separately) so those passengers aren't on the table to be targeted at the time those boltguns fire.


The answer is therefore - No, you cannot wreck a transport then shoot at the disembarked passengers with the same unit.

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Which is why it's always good to have a firesupport unit like Devastators with Missiles or Lascannons to pop open transports, so that your Tacticals can unload on them ;)

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I've considered creating a sticky thread for a B&C OR FAQ, however I lack the time it'll require to do it justice at the moment.


If such a thread is created, the OR forum rules will need to be amended to reinforce this, with threads created about anything included in said FAQ being directed to the FAQ then closed immediately (unless the thread is designed to bring a FAQ answer into question).


I may discuss this in more detail with Eddie and GM when effort can be put into it.

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I've considered creating a sticky thread for a B&C OR FAQ, however I lack the time it'll require to do it justice at the moment.


If such a thread is created, the OR forum rules will need to be amended to reinforce this, with threads created about anything included in said FAQ being directed to the FAQ then closed immediately (unless the thread is designed to bring a FAQ answer into question).


I may discuss this in more detail with Eddie and GM when effort can be put into it.

As a suggestion in addition to this (lurker of this part of the forum but never post, apart from now I guess) you could also include a lot of the commonly asked rules, to prevent multiple threads of the same discussion and will not require such threads to be merged or closed.

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