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Multiple Allied Detatchments

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Evening (or morning, or afternoon) all.

I've just got a quick question regarding allied Detatchments.

Obviously I'm restricted to one allied detatchment per prinary detatchment, but Is it possible to take different factions as allied Detatchments now?

For example my space wolves as two primary Detatchments with grey knight and imperial guard allies?

I know this couldn't be done in 6th, but I'm unsure if I'm missing the restriction in the 7th rule book?

Help a brother out?

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You do not need 1 combined arms detachment per allied detachment. You could have 1 formation or combined arms detachment (as your warlord cannot be chosen from an allied detachment, as an allied detachment cannot be the primary detachment and your primary detachment is the one containing your Warlord1) then as many allied detachments as you please2.

So in your example you could have:
- Combined Arms Detachment - Space Wolves
- Allied Detachment - Grey Knights
- Allied Detachment - Imperial Guard

Note that you can do this as each codex is considered a different faction under the umbrella of the "Armies of the Imperium" so can be allies (as opposed to taking multiple combined arms detachments)3

1 - see page 117 - "The Primary Detachment"
2 - see page 118 - "Detachments"

3 - see page 126 - "Allies"

Does that "Help a brother out?"


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