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Scions as Neophytes

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Heyo, just a quick question, seeing as I don't have access to these models myself:


Will Power Armor arms fit on the IG Scion torsos (not including the shoulder pads)?  I.e.




I think the knight-like body and legs will work a lot better for Neophytes than those ugly as sin Scouts of Notre Dame models.  I'm also curious whether Power Armor heads will fit well in the necks.


Far as I can see, as long as those two issues are fine, the only problem will be the rectangular recess on the back of the torsos.  The powerpack/backpacks don't seem appropriate, so I'll either have to find something to cover them, or just fill them in with GS.

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As above the SM arms are a perfect fit, but the heads are a no-go, way to tall and disproportionate,







Sweet goodness biggrin.png

As for heads, with my previous Neophytes I shave the top crest off the helmets, and sever the neck, then attach it to the torso (which also has a way-too-shallow neckhole) with a little blob of greenstuff. At a glance, it seems that may work....maybe. The collar/angle of the shoulders are so forward that the method I use for my previous Scouts would just leave them staring at their feet.


The stock Scion heads aren't exactly appropriate for the aesthetic I'm shooting for. Gonna have to think on this one.

Also, from the side, it looks like the back is smooth, but the sprues on the site look like there's a rectangular recess in the back. Mind showing a pic of the back? EDIT- Never mind, found a better pic of the back end. No recess. Yay :)

So, what sort of head could fit on that body and still look knighty? Or at least not like a Guardsman head- no IG helmets or berets. The one thing that comes to mind is WHFB Chaos knight/marauder heads, but those aren't exactly the brand of 'knightly' that my Templars have. I looked at Bretonnian heads, but all the necks are flat, and look like they wouldn't really fit.


Bare heads would work fine, too. Would SM Scout heads (as much as I hate them) fit?

Someone elsewhere suggested the heads from the Empire Greatswords.  The one with the enclosed helmet looks right in particular. But at bits stores, that thing is a fortune, and only a few of the others from the kit work for neophytes.  The rest are all old and heavily bearded and such.


Hn, after looking at them again...Wolf scout heads are pretty damn ugly, too, and maybe one of the 5 options could even be converted to look knightly :lol:

Hm, probably these, I would imagine: http://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=274


Not quite my taste.  But more importantly, probably not a good fit for Scions.  The neckhole is angled forward, which is a real problem. The flat edges of knight helmets like those would only exacerbate the awkwardness of the angle, I think.

Maybe you can use these Sallet heads? They were made as Goblin heads, but here's a pic on a GW Warhammer Archer body. The only other thing I think would fit the medieval theme would be these from the Perry twins. Since their range is pretty much true scale these might be a bit on the smaller side, not sure about that though. On the other hand you get 36 heads for the money you'd pay for 10 Puppetswar heads.

The only other thing I can really recommend because I've seen it done before are using heads from the Brettonnian Men-at-Arms and the Archers. There was a guy that used them for his Dark Angels conversions and they looked very characterful. The site is down now though.

West Wind Productions has an Arthurian Ages Serparate Head System, i.e. they sell sprues of heads. WWP are a popular choice among IG converters, so I assume they would fit too, but I haven't seen those used yet either. Might be worth checking out anyway though.


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