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Converting obliterators

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I converted some terminator arms towards the same end but gave up on the project a little way in. I actually have no use for them anymore but I think I still have them, will have a look and post pictures. Helbrute heads might be a nice touch too.

*Plenty of green stuff and the FW nurgle terminators are awesome too if you're going for MoN. Expensive though, it's partly why I stopped.

Some people have also modeled them with multiple marines too a base working as heavy weapon teams.

There is also Thamier below, which I know Kraut Scientist or Poom (I forget which) has also used, so you can possibly convince Thamier to cast you one.


Centurions sound like they would work well.


Wow thamier's are amazing, I'd like to at least try making my own first. Not a huge fan of a heavy weapon time idea but it's an option.


Hardest thing for me is what to do for the arms. Body can easily be based off another model, but it's a little tougher to pin a bunch of weapons one arm and make it look good.

Here you go, this is what I put together. Was going to green stuff some flesh over it to cover up the joins.




Shame I won't be using them anymore really, was fun chopping up and putting together.

Here we go...








Why arent you using those conversions anymore Dark? Not doing Oblits?


Also - with regards to alt models, you have these:



Well the FW bodies I wanted are really expensive and I wanted to focus my spending on ETL stuff at the moment. Plus, there has been talk of summer CSM releases including rumours of new obliterators so I wanted to see if there is any truth to that as GWs new plastics are great and will save me some work. If not, I can see myself getting back to them in the future but for now I'm mainly playing/building my traitor guard so they are just in my bits box.


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