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thousand sons and the new psychic phase


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from what I've heard, casting bad powers only 1/2 of the time still isn't good.

Mate, you just made me laugh so hard my drink came out my nose!


Yeah, as nehekare said bad powers are still bad, thousand sons are still a sub par unit since meq are still not great. (tsons are meq and dedicated anti meq, double fail)

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If they could switch it for something or if the primaris was errated, they made have been good. They do ok if someone runs a tzeench sorc/ahriman and needs one or two units fueling their casters . although a unit of cultists and a unit of horrors does the same and gives 2 scoring units.

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It is always the time to be the owner of a Thousand Sons army! The gold and blue! The blind obedience of your automatons! You are fully expected to lose almost every game and therefore you can only win! It's an army for people with balls, the special snowflakes of this world, the people who truly know wins are even bigger when achieved with subpar resources!


If they are better in 7th? Ehh... Not really, no.

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If they dropped the god-specific limitations on CSM psychic powers... then they would be more useful.


Divination or Telepathy would make them much more useful, although they would remain overpriced compared to a unit of Noise Marines with a Blastmaster, which does the same job as TSons, only better.

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It is always the time to be the owner of a Thousand Sons army! The gold and blue! The blind obedience of your automatons! You are fully expected to lose almost every game and therefore you can only win! It's an army for people with balls, the special snowflakes of this world, the people who truly know wins are even bigger when achieved with subpar resources!


If they are better in 7th? Ehh... Not really, no.

Well said.


My Tsons are doing pretty well so far in 7th, but I mix in a lot of Demon allies with them. In the end the TSons really are becoming mostly Warp Charge fuel for Ahriman.

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Remember that the sorcerer has "force" as well though! Oh how many characters and monsters I have laid low with the fancy combination of a 4++ save and a force axe in return... :D



But as has been said before, they look cool and their backstory is awesome...and that's why you play them! :D

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I love my Thousand Sons.


Now that we get the Primaris automatically, it is a lot less of a problem to have a limited spell list.


That said, the HQ sorcerers do still do most of the heavy lifting.

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I love my Thousand Sons.


Now that we get the Primaris automatically, it is a lot less of a problem to have a limited spell list.


That said, the HQ sorcerers do still do most of the heavy lifting.

Pretty much.  Ahriman seems to be doing my heavy lifting lately, the TSon sorcerers rarely cast anymore.

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IIRC in 7th now we can pick a power from almost any of the different domains, the primares of tzeench is automatically taken when we added the MoT, it was one of the best parts of 7th. thou in fairness most of the time the aspiring sorcs just feed my dprince or Ahirman.

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IIRC in 7th now we can pick a power from almost any of the different domains, the primares of tzeench is automatically taken when we added the MoT, it was one of the best parts of 7th. thou in fairness most of the time the aspiring sorcs just feed my dprince or Ahirman.

For Thousand Sons or marked sorcerers, the benefit of getting the Tzeentch primaris doesn't cancel out the rule in C:CSM where you need to roll the power on the Tzeentch chart...

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it needs an FAQ


The rule in the mark section only mentions "generating" a power, focus counts for that.


The actual way you generate powers as per codex mentions rolling, it is pretty much just a relic of the past edition method for generating powers. It actually contraidcts the way you "generate" powers in the BRB, the BRB has generate include the free primaris

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it needs an FAQ


The rule in the mark section only mentions "generating" a power, focus counts for that.


The actual way you generate powers as per codex mentions rolling, it is pretty much just a relic of the past edition method for generating powers. It actually contraidcts the way you "generate" powers in the BRB, the BRB has generate include the free primaris


Sorry but I disagree with this, it really doesn't need an FAQ. The Codex explicitly states that they "must roll at least once, and may roll up to half, on the table that corresponds to their patron deity."

Nothing in the rulebook over-rides this. You can say that the free power has been 'generated' all you want but you still haven't rolled for a power.

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The codex also explicitly states, Must generate one power. With no mention of rolling.


Could you tell me where it says that?

I'd be more than happy for my Sorceror to avoid rolling on his patron deity's table msn-wink.gif

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I tried 7th with my eldar yesterday, whilst painful, the fact that psykers went from being able to reliably cast their powers, to now struggling to get warpcharge one spells on anything less then three dice has made me edgy about trying to use my Thousand sons in it, the fact the opponent can counter it all the time does not hlep either, and once again the lroe of tzeencht really screws us over, especially on the like of Ahriman, as he is now either stuck with nothing butt the lore of tzeentch, or effectively losing two spells (one for lore of tzeentch, one for not being able to get the free primaris).

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Which doesn't over-ride how chaos generates psychic powers on page 70.

so your saying that we only generate powers like on pg 70? That we ignore the generate powers section of the BRB? That we dont get Chaos Focus, because its not in the generating powers section of the chaos codex?

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