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Kharn vs Zhufor - which one?

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cheers guys, you have all been great help and it has been most appreciated :)


just another thing - and I don't wanna be flamed for it BUT speaking in terms of not being ultra competitive, how decent would this khorne lord be:-

Terminator lord with MoK, Axe of blind fury, Chainfist, Gift of mutation and ichor blood.


what do you guys think?

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Ichor blood is a waste of points IMO, especially when you have 2+ armor save, gift of mutation is good only if you have some spare points. This lord has the same problem as Zhufor - he can't sweeping advance and needs Land Raider (or deep striking, which is a huge risk). Chainfist is not bad, but I'd rather left him with default power axe for +1 attack. I play against loyalists a lot, so I'd take Veterans of the Long War and Sigil of corruption instead of Ichor blood and GIft of mutation.

I used this loadout: TDA, Sigil, MoK, AoBF, power axe, Veteran and he's very good if he can get into close combat (at least he defeated guys like Logan Grimnar and Marneus Calgar with average dice rolls), which isn't an easy task :)

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cheers guys, you have all been great help and it has been most appreciated smile.png

just another thing - and I don't wanna be flamed for it BUT speaking in terms of not being ultra competitive, how decent would this khorne lord be:-

Terminator lord with MoK, Axe of blind fury, Chainfist, Gift of mutation and ichor blood.

what do you guys think?

very bad. he is slow. if you take a lord you buy him a bike. If you don;t want a bike , you take a specialy HQ or don't buy a lord.

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In a spartan, he's probably alright.  I'd take a maul instead of the chain fist, maybe, but either is fine.  As a general rule, though, the same dude minus the terminator armor, plus a bike or jugger will probably be more generally useful for you.

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I find it too cumbersome to field a Khornate lord in TDA. Sure it is tougher, sure it can save you some points for the ++ save but the lack of sweeping advance and the requirement of a Land Raider elevates the cost of the unit into the realm of the unaffordable. 

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Big blob isn't the worst you could do, but suffers from its slowness. You just aren't going to catch a lot in melee that doesn't want to be fighting you. It's worth trying, though. I mean, you should have the cultists anyway, and can proxy with a terminator if you don't already have a termie lord.


Deep striking with terminators is also an option, but suffers from the lack of scatter mitigation. If you have good luck it can work well - drop in, roast something with melta or plasma out of the squad, deliver your melee threat in the following turn. If you have bad luck, they'll scatter out of easy shooty-chargy range, or mishap, or plop themselves right in front of a vindicator or something.


I think in general, though, if you want to run zhufor or a termie axe lord you're best biting the bullet with a land raider, if not a spartan, storm eagle, or kharybdis, with a retinue of termies, chosen, 'zerks, or just plain old chaos marines.

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Sadly, no, codex: chaos daemon units can only be joined by codex chaos daemon characters (of the same alignment) and vice versa, due to the instability rule. Otherwise yeah, that would have been cool.


If running a terminator escort, consider mutilators instead. Lets you fit more wounds in the raider. Not good, mind, but, I mean, points efficiency kind of went out the window a while ago, here.

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Chaos terminators are not bad. Four terminators with power fists and Mark of Khorne are just 169 points, and have 16 attacks on charge, which is more than 5 hammernators, with Veterans of the Long War they become more expensive, but will crush any loyalist squad in close combat. Mutilators are less cost-efficient IMO, they give your lord more wounds, but can't use same weapon two rounds in a row and cost a bit more, so I'm not a fan of them even as an escort.

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Question for you guys - can you pair the BL Spineshiver Blade with a Power Axe for extra attack/AP2 option? I am using Khârn or Abaddon as my usual HQ, but our group does a lot of campaigns and I need a generic Lord for these.


Was thinking Khorne Lord in Termie Armour, possibly the Skull as well. Not using bike/juggernaut as I like my Land Raiders too much....!

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  • 4 months later...

I recently made a Nurgle-themed Zhufor model to lead my 1850 army (gonna upload pics and lore in my army log thread next week). I think Zhufor is a steal for 175 points.


What are the toughest things you see a lot these days? Thunderwolves, Imperial Knights, Wraithknights, and Tyranid MCs. These things will all instant-kill Khârn and shrug off a lot of his attacks. Zhufor has Eternal Warrior, a 2+ save, and hits at Str 10- his invul save is bad, but he can kill a lot of the meanest stuff in the game (especially if you can hide him when fighting non-character models). I am going to put him with a squad of 40 objective-secured zombies with 4+ feel no pain and march him straight down the middle of the board and lasso him into combat with something (also: counter-attack for the zombies thanks to Mark of Khorne).

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I recently made a Nurgle-themed Zhufor model to lead my 1850 army (gonna upload pics and lore in my army log thread next week). I think Zhufor is a steal for 175 points.


What are the toughest things you see a lot these days? Thunderwolves, Imperial Knights, Wraithknights, and Tyranid MCs. These things will all instant-kill Khârn and shrug off a lot of his attacks. Zhufor has Eternal Warrior, a 2+ save, and hits at Str 10- his invul save is bad, but he can kill a lot of the meanest stuff in the game (especially if you can hide him when fighting non-character models). I am going to put him with a squad of 40 objective-secured zombies with 4+ feel no pain and march him straight down the middle of the board and lasso him into combat with something (also: counter-attack for the zombies thanks to Mark of Khorne).


Maybe zombie cannot be marked.

And FNP is 5+, doesn,t it?

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1) marked characters can join unmarked units. Zhufor can join any kind of zombie unit since zombies have no mark.

2) the type of zombies in my army are from Renegades and Heretics, which allows for 0-1 plague zombie horde units (slightly different stats, cheaper, and come with 4+ FNP instead of 5+, and can be up to 50 zombies in size).

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