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best loadouts for berzerkers in 7th

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The last time they were ok was in 5th ed under the 4th ed codex . they did good with demons in 3.5 days , right now they kind of a cost too much to be used as horde assault units and we don't have a way to run them at normal size or MSU [and work].

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hi all,

how do the berzerkers hold up in 7th? are they still a powerful unit? And vitally, which loadouts would you recommend for a unit of zerkers?




Stay away from Rhinos, since you can't assault out of them. This means you're either footslogging, where the Icon is helpful or doing a Raider Rush. 

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It helps expand your charge range a little. I had some success the other day with a raider rush list, but it really boils down to khorne berzerkers pay 4pts a model and have restricted options in exchange for +1ws and fearless (and access to chainaxes). (As opposed to khorne marked csms). It often ends up with too high a cost per model.

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They are still devastating in first combat round, but much weaker if combat lasts longer. Khârn as warlord and 8-9 berzerkers without any upgrades in Land Raider are decent unit that usually beats anything without 2++ save. Not a deathstar or a reason for competitive gamers to salivate, but decent.

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They gain a huge bonus from maelstrom missions, as it often forces the enemy to run towards them to complete objectives. (for instance I had 4 first turn assaults in my last game, even with hammer and anvil). My suggestion is to keep them lightly upgraded, a powerfist or a plasma pistol here or there, plus icons to taste. Few upgrades really make them more killy than just what that many points worth of more bodies would do. Remember each body is 4 attacks on the charge or 3 on the counterattack. I found units of 8 were about the right size too. Not too big that they always got stuck in the open after one round of cc, but not too small to be effective. Just remember that they kill things by overwhelming them with attacks, rather than cutting through armour.

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cheers for the rapid response.

bad news for world eaters players I guess sad.png so currently would you recommend taking plague marines instead?


For pity's sake, play loyalists instead of taking the Crutch God's mark. I'd nerf Nurgle so hard, Tzeentch would feel OP as a Fresh off the Press Ward Codex. It would be useless, and Chaos would be the Penultimate Power Armor Assault army that would be THE ONLY army to consolidate into new combats, and THE ONLY army to be able to assault out of rhinos (after moving flat out).

Khorne beserker units could 'ride' on Defilers and Maulerfiends, and then declare assaults.

Rending Chainaxes, ability to swap out ccw for an extra bolt pistol...

But I can't. So I play loyalists. Because for about the same price of Khorne Beserkers (Points wise) I get a unit that can hit at Strength 6, Initiative 6 ap3...and potentially with Force activated and 2 attacks and fearless.

Also Terminators with grenades. And access to special grenades, which take off the Crutch God's mark.

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