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Typhus vs Generic tooled up Nurgle Lord?

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Hi all,

just as a matter of interest, recently had a topic where discussions about a generic lord is better than a named character (in terms of khorne). So I was wanting to know if a tooled up nurgle lord would be better/worse than the mighty Typhus?



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Depends if you want zombiesmsn-wink.gif. Typhus is a tank, but he costs as much as one as well. He is also a psyker which means you can try to play that game if you would like to. However, in terms of pure points efficiency, a fisticlaws nurgle biker lord is very strong (in fact any nurgle biker lord is fairly strong) and a little bit less of a points investment. Typhus however is a very angry support unit, and I feel that he plays so differently from a regular nurgle lord that it is hard to compare, unlike the kharne jugger comparison.

Remember however that Typhus doesn't do anything in the shooting phase, which is sort of a shame.

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It seems a waste to me to not use the fearless cultist blobs if I am paying points for their upgrade (which technically I am when I buy typhus. Although I would be interested in seeing a nurgle/tzeentch army with plague marines and thousand sons. It could play the psychic game fairly well and would have two very different types of resilient troops that become lethal at midrange.

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if you just want zombies, necrosius is 160pt and will make them have furious charge to boot. He has a very powerful shooting attack too and is I5 and stikes faster than other sorcerors. He is decent, but wont be the beatstick tyhpus can be

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Only point in taking typhus, is to get plague zombies.  I used 210 isn once with the walking dead soundtrack playing, it was extremely fun.  


If you do not want zombies, then take a biker MON lord with claw and fist, and sigil.   He is cheaper, faster, and about as deadly.  

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if you just want zombies, necrosius is 160pt and will make them have furious charge to boot. He has a very powerful shooting attack too and is I5 and stikes faster than other sorcerors. He is decent, but wont be the beatstick tyhpus can be


Note, though, that Necrosius does not get you OS plague marines, so if you want those as well, then Typhus is the way to go.  And, as you mentioned, Typhus is much more of a badass in close combat - both offensively and defensively.  Delivery speed is an issue, though.

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Regular Nurgle Lord (on bike!) over Typhus, period. The reason why is simple: Typhus is slow is pretty bad for a combat character. As in, being fast is arguably the most important thing for a combat unit.

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Cheers for the info so far guys.


In terms of regular plague marines, how good are they:-

1) in close combat? And 2) compared to Berzerkers in close combat? 




Ooops sorry guys that question was meant for my other thread....


Back on topic to this thread:

How effective is a Palaquin of Nurgle for a generic nurgle lord in terms of gameplay?

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Berserkers aren't they awesome they used to be in previous editions- tooled up chosen can put out more attacks on the charge with power weapons at the expense of bezerkers having higher weapon skill and fearless. Both will struggle to get into combat unless you look at forgeworld help via Spartan, storm eagle or dread claw.


Plague marines are not as good as they once were in combat thanks to the change to poison weaponry meaning they no longer get re-rolls. I feel they are better as a defensive unit thanks to two special weapons per 5 men, lots of grenades and resilience.




As for palaquin, as mentioned above it's just too slow unless you are using forgeworld delivery vehicles. A nurgle lord on a bike will be toughness 6 and can have more bikers or spawn as a bodyguard that can keep up you should get into combat very quickly. The sheer number of attacks spawn get can make them very scary

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