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Does Nurgle have an Apocalypse Super Heavy?

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Pick up the Pandorax Warzone book, I think its called a Plauge Reaper, Nurgle Baneblade with a hellstorm power armor melting cannon.... oh and its described as having nurglings just running around on the hull. 


Khorne also has a Tower of Skulls in that book, again off the Bane Blade but it looks some what silly....

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The rumor mill says Nurgle just so happens to be getting a very large new kit soon. Bigger than a GD or Deamon Prince, so I'd imagine it's a Super Heavy. Salt required, of course, but it's come up a few times. I don't think it's a tank, either. They keep calling it a beast of some kind. 

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what about nurgle decimator engines? what are they like?


Very, very hard to kill. I use mine with my Nurgle, and between the 5+, the ITWD, the Shrouding, and good armor and HP, he hasn't been toasted yet. Matter of time before he does, but it's certainly not bad.

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Chaos Reaver Titan - can be aligned to Nurgle (for IWND, etc.)

Chaos Warhound Titan - can be aligned to Nurgle

Scabeiathrax Daemon Lord - a giant GUO

Plague Reaper - a Nurgle Baneblade


Then there are a number of standard 40K (non Apoc sized) stuff that appears in the IA Apoc book that can be or are Nurgle aligned like Decimators, Chaos Contemptors, Spined Chaos Beasts, Mamon Daemon Lord, Plague Hulk, Blight Drones etc.

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Oooh excited to hear about a new huge nurgle treat. any ideas when "soon" is??


in terms of blight drones, I never realised how big the models actually are, they make Dreadnaughts look small(ish). 


They say in July sometime but if so, probably towards the latter. I have a hard time believing that because it seems like Sanctus Reach stuff is first. 

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what about nurgle decimator engines? what are they like?


Very, very hard to kill. I use mine with my Nurgle, and between the 5+, the ITWD, the Shrouding, and good armor and HP, he hasn't been toasted yet. Matter of time before he does, but it's certainly not bad.



And he looks awesome whilst doing it.

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