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Count as Chosen models


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Hello everyone,


after a few game in this 7th edition, mostly against Dark Angels and Grey Knights I had quite a few successes with the Fallen Dataslate composed of Cypher and his retinue of Chosen buddies.


Until now I only proxied everything to test it out and after this I would like to get some models that would look great.


The point is, despite liking the Chosen models from Dark Vengeance I only own 6 of them and they don't look....special enough for me to field in this formation, which I feel deserve some differene with the clasical Chosen, like...they are some of the Fallen after all, or Alpha Legion maybe...or are they?


So my question is what you guys think would be a good model to use as those Chosen?


For now my idea is the following :


1 - Squad of Tempestus Scions slightly converted with remaining bits from Chaos Space Marines, I am a very beginner at modeling but I still think those guys can easily look amazing! Plus I can get plasma guns from an Astra Militarum player!


2 - Squad of Kakophoni from ForgeWorld Horus Heresy, Legion of the Emperor Children. I really love the models and even if their weapons do not look quite like the Plasma/Melta I'd like to use, they look so unique that it would fit in the state of mind of a renegade warband arrived to fulfill some unknowm plans and thus bringing with them equally unknown weaponry style.


3 - I would like to build a squad out of regular CSM with heads of World Eater Veteran from FW 30K and the upgrade kit of a Siegebreaker unit, this is jsut because the giant shield look very good to me and those heads look very classy. Once again like Kakophoni, it is not WYSIWYG, but in my playing environment it will be ok.


If you have any idea or already existing count-as-Chosen, feel free to share, I am looking for new ideas!



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For Cypher's Fallen, definitely DA vets for the robed torsos and heads. For the rest of the bits, depends on how much you want to spend. Cheapest is probably basic CSM bits for the arms & backpacks, and FW heresy plasmagun sets for the specials. Fanciest is raptor kits for the arms and plasma, and dark vengeance chosen purchased off the secondary market for backpacks.
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