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Khornate Bunny Ears question.....?

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The (in)famous Khornate bunny ears, what exactly is the fluff/reasoning for them? I ask this because I want to know if the bunny ears are a generic Khorne thing or is it just purely a World Eaters thing?


For example would a Khorne warband (that is completely unrelated to the World Eaters) have bunny ears adorning their helmets or just the standard horns/spikes etc?



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It's supposed to represent the glyph of Khorne.

So I'd say it's more a khornate custom than a WE thing only. Then, they're far from mandatory, there are as many ways to show his allegiance to Khorne as there are khornate followers. As long as killing and spilling blood are involved, of course.

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There are stylistic similarities between the Bunny Ears and the Skull Icon of Khorne. They also have features that are stylistically similar to the horns sported by Bloodletters.

I suspect that it would depend on the Khorne Warbands association with / exposure to the World Eaters as to whether they would adapt their helmets.

Also, only a World Eater is manly enough to wear bunny ears and still look scary. msn-wink.gif

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However, it should be pointed out that "redd wunz" do not go "fasta" due to the wind resistance created by said bunny ears.

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The WFB Chaos book had a Khornate Bunny ear style helmeted champion on cover.


And to quote from Firefly: When you see a man walking down the street, wearing this kind of hat - you know he isn't afraid of anything!

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My problem is that I see a lot of the model design choices and fluff background that GW has set up (like the bunny ears) and just find them impracticably absurd.  One of the things that drew me to the Grey Knights back in the day was the fact that their storm bolters were mounted to their wrists so that they could better hold their swords.

The chaos backpacks are another sticky area for me.  When I had my chaos army, I'd gone through and cut the 'wings' off the chaos backpacks, and inverted the vents so that they'd look different from loyalists, and cut off all excessive horns (though I'm a fan of small spikes and the like) to better accentuate fighting in close quarters aboard a ship.


The horns are a relic (I believe) from WFB Chaos Warriors, which take a lot of their cues from Vikings/Barbarians of Popular myth (and coincidentally why Phil Kelly's better PA book works better as a "Chaos" Codex), but IRL vikings didn't have horned helmets-because they would have presented something for a canny enemy to grab a hold of and throw them off balance.  And IRL vikings were nothing if not practical.


I do love the 'Mandalorian'/Boba Fett style helmet.

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