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Khorne or Nurgle - which one to choose?

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Hi all,

ive been posting threads asking questions about certain Khorne and Nurgle related things. Well now its crunch time and im stuck - I am really torn as to which mono-god force to collect: World Eaters or Death Guard (khorne or Nurgle) wallbash.gif

so I am gonna ask you guys to help me choose, by giving your OWN opinions on which you would choose and why?

cheers guys.

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Seems obvious to me that you could collect both. Eventually they could become two separate armies. Khorne and Nurgle are bros anyways. 


I'm not really up with 7th edition, but I suspect a mixed force would perform better as well. 


If you must have 1 I'd pick Khorne because Nurgle disgusts me, on pretty much every level and I could never collect them. 

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In terms of gameplay, nurgle's easily the better choice. But that may not mean all that much, since if you're choosing purely for gameplay, you're kind of in the wrong faction altogether. At the very least, a pure nurgle force is likely to be more versatile and has less potential for frustration than pure khorne in the current ruleset, and probably gets more out of daemonic and FW additions.


That said, if you like khorne more, go for that. The difference isn't so much that it's worth playing an army you like less. CSM melee rush lists are vaguely not terrigle, and jugger-mounted ax lords in spawn or khornate bikes, zhufor or Khârn in a land raider with some berzerkers, and maybe an allied juggerherald in a unit of dogs can fit right into that.


Regardless of which you pick, I recommend painting your army black and throwing your lot in with Abaddon (though probably not using the Black Legion supplement rules, which aren't great but fortunately are purely optional). That way, if you decide to change your mind later, you can keep them all in the same army without being thematically weird.



Oh, also, I don't put much stock in the rumor mill lately, but there has been some talk of some new nurgle stuff in the pipeline in the next month or so. Might be worth holding off on your final decision to see if it pans out.

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Cheers for the info guys.


In terms of regular Plague Marines, how good are they:-

1) in close combat? And 2) compared to Berzerkers in close combat?

Well plagues are -1 initiative (initiative 3) and Toughness 5 and fearless and have Feel No Pain And have poisoned Close combat weapons (4+).  Toughness 5 means most marines will have a harder time wounding you in CC (wounding on a d6 roll of 5 instead of 4).  Fearless means even if you lose a fight-you will not run away/risk being run down.  Feel no pain means that you get a additional 5+ save if you fail your armor (3+) or cover save.  Poison ccws mean that you can wound just about anything on a 4+-regardless of toughness.



Beserkers win their fights by a ton of dice being thrown at something.  They generally hit most things on 3s (ws5), and with furious charge, they become s5 for the first turn of combat (assuming they charge).  You can't really upgrade them for close combat-so its best to use them upgraded as little as possible.


You can give them chain axes...and one or two is okay...but they're ap4, and cost more than that's worth.


Really-if you're paying the 20+ points for them-consider BL supplement and Chosen-who can have more attacks, but are't fearless or WS5-but can take numerous special weapons-both shooting and close combat, as well as marks.

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Plague Marines aren't beasts in combat, they will do alright though against most targets, as in they hardly ever lose combat big. However, they also rarely win combats big... This is simply due to their high defense and reliable, although low, damage output. What happens usually is that you get stuck in combat for quite some turns with them. (Depending on a lot of factors of course)


Berzerkers on the other hand are less reliable. They might not get into combat, or might not get the charge etc. However, when you get to charge with a (nearly) full squad of Berzerkers, then their damage output is generally really high. Being fearless and Ws5 means they are still the most efficient combat unit we have, providing you get in combat. But as said before: They struggle getting charges off ever since you aren't allowed anymore to disembark and then charge from out a rhino.


Overall Plague Marines are the superior choice due to being way more reliable, you will almost always get some effectiveness out of them, making them a very popular choice at every level of play except the highest. (Where their damage output is simply not good enough to warrant taking them, although 7th might have changed this, we'll see)

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Imho khorne will always have a place in my heart as he was the god who got me into chaos and 40k in general. 6th wasn't cc friendly and 7th isn't much better however, khorne is generally the one i would turn to if i'm going for a cc themed army.

In my IW army i still run khorne marked units as when the proverbial hits the fan i'd rather make sure i can have some bite. Rhino rush isn't such a viable tactic anymore as you can't assault from them, but i find spending a turn disembarking behind cover and then using the rhino as mobile cover does good for a turn or so. This is just my usual gaming circle though, and i understand the nurgle appeal. But for me, blood for the blood god will always be a firm motto. But again, this is just my opinion and 2p to the thread.

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Hard to pick just one actually.  However, I have always loved the idea of Nurgle forces.  I run a Mono Nurgle Marine force, Deathguard and a Mono Nurgle daemon force as well.  Of course I play for fluff more than uberness, and at times I get smoked as a result.  Nurgle is a nice army and I have run them since the 3.5 dex when we got actual cult troops. I played them, sold them, bought an entire force again and then painted around 7000 points of the blighters combined.  


That being said I have also run worldeaters in the past and have a pretty substantial Mono Khorne daemon force sitting in a drawer awaiting Call of chaos to be busted out and painted.


In the end which army makes you want to build/paint?  That is the one to go with in my opinion.  What you enjoy will always be the winner in my book.  



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They were cursed by Khorne through the machinations of a Slaaneshi daemon sword and a Tzeentch Greater Daemon. The cult that sacrificed itself to curse them was Undivided with subcults that were monotheistic and as a result, the Crimson Slaughter have followed suit. The main warband itself is Undivided, but there are elements that are monotheistic. Although the only that we've seen so far are the Scout-Captain with the Slaanesh daemonsword, the possessed Librarian and the mention of the rather strong presence of Khorne Berzerkers.
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