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CSM or Daemons: Help against Orks

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So, my buddy just built a large (2k) Orks list, and we are going to have our inaugural game of 7th in a week or so. Since I haven't played against orks in two-and-a-half editions, I'm wondering....should I take my CSM, or my Daemons?


I know that my usual monster mash daemons probably won't do so well against a horde army, so I'm leaning towards a daemonic horde...if I go with daemons. If I go CSM, I'll be using mostly CSM as troops, with only a squad or two of cultists, and a squad of Khorne Berzerkers with Kharne, all backed up by a heldrake, and mauler/forgefiends.


What do you guys think? CSM or Daemons? Perhaps one with the other allied in?


Edit: should also mention, I have TONS of Nurgle daemons, so I could even run 70 Plaguebearers backed up by Ku'Gath, Epidemius, 3 more heralds, and GUO, beasts, drones, and 3 Nurgly soul grinders.... Trust me, I have every Nurgle unit possible to have ...and the more I think about it, lots of poison attacks and high toughness might do well against orks...what do you guys think?

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I say let the rot and roll begin brother.  Spread the gifts of the Grandfather about.


Those Grinders will chew through a horde force, your higher toughness will be very much appreciated when he starts rolling bricks of dice.  If it were me I would go with the Nurgle Daemon force.  green on green time and it should be a fun battle.  With the PBs backed up with the Grinders and tons of large and very much in charge Greaters you should fare quite well.



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Are you asking how to tailor against orks ?

Nope. I was just struggling to figure out which codex I wanted to run, since I knew my flying circus probably wouldn't cut it. I agree with Gubnutz, I am going to take a mono-Nurgle build, asthat was my first Daemon army, it seems fitting to break in 7th with it.

This is what i've decided to roll with:

Great Unclean One, Psyker lvl 3, Greater, Exalted

Herald of Nurgle, Fecundity, Psyker lvl 1, Exalted

Herald of Nurgle, Fecundity, Psyker lvl 1

Herald of Nurgle, Fecundity, Psyker lvl 1

3 Beasts of Nurgle

10 Plaguebearers

10 Plaguebearers

10 Plaguebearers

3 Nurgling Swarms

3 Nurgling Swarms

3 Nurgling Swarms

3 Plague Drones, Icon

3 Plague Drones, Icon

Soul Grinder, Nurgle, Phlegm

Soul Grinder, Nurgle, Torrent, Warpsword

Plague Hulk, Warpsword

All adds up to 1998pts. GUO rolls on Biomancy, and Heralds all on Nurgle, but are mostly there for Warp Charge for the GUO, Taking the Grimoire and Portalglyph. No Daemonology shenanigans. Not the most powerful List, but it should be fun biggrin.png

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It looks like a fun list.  The amount of high T units you have will be a good thing vs those Greenskins.  I am not sure what the build for Orks is currently but a buddy of mine seems to think it is a Green tide environment.  That being said you have a decent number of models on the board and some things that can tie him up as needed.  The addition of the Grinders is icing on the rotted cake and you should have a target rich environment to test out the Grinders.  bat rep appreciated and I would love to see pics if you have them.



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If it is mealstorm, then you shouldn't play mono nurgle. Some tzeench heralds with divination would do nice, horrors give nice shoting and orks [in general] are unable to stop a demon armies casting. Then considering low Ld orks have you want nova powers that proc of it too. The cover ignoring stuff. We don't have many options for those though. As far as ally go you should take some rhinos to make a wall. Ork shoting is far more powerful then their melee[that is why I see a problem with a demon army, that does mostly melee].

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What has happened to the beloved Greenskins that they are now more powerful in shooting than Melee?  Oh how time have changed.


Anyway I like the ideas jeske, but I think that the OP was only picking between Mono Nurgle Deamons or CSM.  of course I could have misread and if so please ignore me all together.



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