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Hello Sons of Ferrus,


I had a question that I wanted to direct to the resident greybeards about the Brazen Claw successors. After reading through the 19 page supplement thread, and understanding the fluff from the last edition and a half hasn't been kind to the Iron Hands, a few items have been really bothering me.


Page 71 of the new codex says that the Brazen Claws homeworld of Talus IV was destroyed "...many centries ago..." by daemons, which is followed by a crusade of bitter venheance in the EOT. Little record exists since the crusade of the chapter, as of our curent time of 999.41M.


In 2006's Fall of Medusa V campaign, taking place also in 999.41M a single Brazen Claw Company takes part in the fighting.


In the short (but very informative) story "No Worse Sin", we learn that the crusade ends in its 20th year, with Chapter Master Caul Engentre and remaining companies choosing to return to realspace. The 2nd Company fled the Eye earlier, choosing to go against their crusade oaths before this desicion, essentially damning the chapter to whatever fate lay ahead of them. We must assume that they are the Brazen Claws in the Medusa area during the time of the campaign.


Further in "No Worse Sin", there is a line that says "...in the past 20 years, after the loss of Talus...", further mentioning that Engentre as Chapter Master uttered his oath of vengeance in the ashes of the still flaming Monastery on Talus. This gives the impression that the planet was destroyed roughly 20 years earlier, which was then followed by the crusade.... if this is the case, then how on earth can the planet have been destroyed "...many centries ago..." and still correctly fit in with the revenger crusade/Medusa/13th Black Crusade timeline?


I am really finding my muse with Ferrus, his motivations and flaws, and am very heavily considering starting a successor chapter (or possbley a full DIY) something with grit, loss, pain, grime and very little hope... The Claws were in my mind as an option, but I would really like to get the timeline sorted out before moving ahead. If its a simple case of bad writing, its one thing, but if there is something I am missing, I would really appreciate it.






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If it is just 300 years of "warp time", there are some very old Claws still around.


The Chapter Master led them for 400 years by the fall of their homeworld (Probably was several hundred years old when he took command of the chapter), plus the following several hundred years of "warp time crusade", he must be gaining on Lysander old.


I assume Iron Hands successors are longer lived than their counterparts anyway, due to their pursuit for bionic enhancement - as flesh eventually betrays and all that. I just wish they made it clear =S

I wish they'd never published the Raukaan supplement's ridiculous fluff.  -=Shrug=-  Whenever questions like this come up, I have to remind myself that this is GW we're talking about.  Unlike BattleTech's line of publishers, GW's writers never bother to make sure there's a single unified canon.  They just pen whatever sounds cool at the time.

Was going through the search function, and found this quote from Kurgan. Apparently there are sources that show them fighting in realspace, in a campaign, a century before our current timeline... adding weight that they are not in the warp crusading for several realspace centuries.


I knew something was off.


• Fought alongside the Iron Hands and Brazen Claws in the Grailsword Crusade, 111 years before the 13th Black Crusade. Iron Hands pg. 121

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