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which weapon set for a Helbrute?

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hi all,

just wanted to know which weapon set is the most effective for a Helbrute?


and secondly, which of these two weapon sets would you choose if you had to:

Helbrute with Reaper Autocannon and Thunder Hammer


Helbrute with Missile Launcher and Thunder Hammer?




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I don't agree with the assumption that a ML needs to go with a Twin Linked Lascannon, especially now the ML is no good at taking out Vehicles (which I might add is ludicrous, Krak is meant to be a vehicle killer!). Rather if you want to take a ML take it with a Plasma Cannon or Reaper Autocannon. The Plasma Cannon and ML make it a half decent Infantry killer as it has the tools to take on MEQ, TEQ and GEQ, with an Reaper you can take on light vehicles. I personally think the Plasma gives more options.


I would also say don't take a ML unless you're planning on taking it as part of the 5 brute detachment. Along with the rage choices it makes a nice way of getting more shots. It's expensive and a bit subpar, but tbh Hellbrutes in general are a bit subpar (we should really just stop using that word, Chaos is subpar). Anyways, the reason way is whenever you're glanced despite the fact you have a 1 in 3 chance of running at the enemy it turns into about 1 in 1 with sods law.


Another decent way to run the Hellbrutes is in the Mayhem pack. A thunder hammer would be a good choice along with a Multimelta in this config. The Mayhem pack has drawbacks (no scatter mitigation),  but if it's in a rush list the mayhem pack will throw a massive spanner in the works, 1 AV12 unit is easy to deal with, 6 (3 Hellbrutes, 3 Maulerfiends) bearing down on your is almost impossible.

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I forgot about krak missiles beong almost useless.


Not useless for glancing vehicles to death.


They're still more likely to strip a HP than the plasma, probably about the same as the reaper vs AV12, and better than the reaper at AV13.

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