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Alpha Legion Operative Art

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Hello All,


Was going through my photobucket account, and found this sketch I did about a decade ago, right after I got my mits on the 3.5 edition of the choas codex and read through the Alpha Legion section.


Looking back, the bayonet is ludicously small, as is the spike on the helm, but I made sure to play up the more "organized" element in the uniform.


The HH book "Legion" was actually also my first ever HH book purchased and read (blasphemy I know), but I suppose it cemented the rest of the series for me.


Anyway, a blast from the past:



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That is really good.  The bayonet is a bit small but in the end I was drawn to the helmet and excellent work you did on the armor and kit that the soldier is wearing. The tat on the hand is a really a nice subtle touch.


Talent for sure.  Thanks for sharing.



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Really great art work there on the Alpha Legion operative.  Remind me a lot of the art work we saw of the diffrent Imperial Guards just around the 13th Black Crusade in the White Dward, shown which once where taken part in the world wide campaign & a bit of background around them.



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Thanks for the comments everyone.


The medium was just paper and B pencil.


Insane Psychopath is exactly right, the timeframe for the sketch was just after that article during the 13th Black Crusade Campaign, with all the different guard regiments, like the Necromunda Spiders, Drookian Fenguard (see below). Style is very similair, awesome you picked that out!




I think the background on the operative's regiment (also the first time guard ever had doctrines) that they were Trenchfighters and Tankriders, all were issued with rebreathers and folding stockweapons, tattoos were part of the culture, and lots of burnt leathers due to the flesh stripping high chem winds of the world they are fighting on, especially when riding high up on a tank's hull, moving to the next position. 

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