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Base size for Home made Abeyant


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Hello all- I am getting restless waiting for the Forgeworld Abeyant to come out, so I am modding my own to use for the time being. I am starting with a Warmachine Convergence Corrollary model as the base and adding things from there. The question I was left with was what Base Size to go with. Its listed as Very Bulky, which (judging from things like Nurgle Palanquins, Ogryn, etc...) should be either 40mm or 50mm, but the forgeworld leaked picture from the open house day looks like a 60mm base at least. Any thoughts on this?


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I thought Bulky would be 40mm (like Terminators) and Very Bulky would be 60mm (the latter like Daemon Princes, etc.).


Centurions are  classed as "very bulky" and are on 50mm bases, same as Ogryn. I'm tempted to go with a 50mm just to be consistent, but I am sure that huge model that Forgeworld is releasing will be on a 60mm.


On the other hand, the Magos Dominos model that they already released is also supposed to be equipped with an Abeyant, and he's on a 40mm, so there is really no simple answer...


Anyone out there made a conversion yet?

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I was looking at the Heresy 3 book again and I wonder what they are using in the picture at the bottom of pg. 210. Not sure if it is a render or if it is a conversion from something else. I'm guessing that's meant to be an Abeyant.

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I was looking at the Heresy 3 book again and I wonder what they are using in the picture at the bottom of pg. 210. Not sure if it is a render or if it is a conversion from something else. I'm guessing that's meant to be an Abeyant.

It might be a render of this model. I saved this when someone posted it from the forgeworld open day in April/May. This is why I was questioning the base size for a home made one... Its huge, whereas the Magos Dominos model os also described as having an Abeyant, and it is only a 40mm base...



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I was looking at the Heresy 3 book again and I wonder what they are using in the picture at the bottom of pg. 210. Not sure if it is a render or if it is a conversion from something else. I'm guessing that's meant to be an Abeyant.

It might be a render of this model. I saved this when someone posted it from the forgeworld open day in April/May. This is why I was questioning the base size for a home made one... Its huge, whereas the Magos Dominos model os also described as having an Abeyant, and it is only a 40mm base...




This WIP miniature is frankly the coolest most exciting thing i've seen for a GW game since i started playing GW games with Adeptus Titanicus in 1988. And that's just after i've been saying the same thing about the Imperial Knights. I'd just started my Knights/Mechanicum force when the pics of this WIP first hit and i've been super-excited ever since.


One of the key features is the head of the Magos Prime being inspired by old Will Rees artworks of Tech Priests with animal-skull heads that have been seemingly forgotten in 40k till this but which really helped set the mood of the Imperium and Mechanicus for me all those years ago. I'd always wanted an animal-skull headed techpriest and was trying to figure out how to convert one when i first saw this.


That i'd decided my Knights house emblem would be a skull with a cog-halo before this came out just hypes me up further as the one on the abeyant and the cog-halos on the Magos are pure serendipity itself, absolutely perfect for my army. Praise the Omnissiah!

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