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Which title for a Khorne lord?

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A general, community term?  There isn't really one, other than 'juggerlord', though that specifies a khorne lord riding a juggernaut.  Otherwise 'khorne lord'.


In game?  Whatever title your lord wants, other than 'Warmaster' or 'the Despoiler'.  Not that Abaddon would likely care or take notice, but your lord would run into endless trouble from lesser Black Legion warlords who take offense.  If your lord cleaves to he old ways, probably 'captain' or 'master'.  If not... anything really.  "Bloodgifted", "Bonedrinker", etc.

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Lord slaughter of the red sands, champion of skulls, master of decapitation, chosen of the eighth and owner of your miserable and short life.


aka  Decapit8r, LongWAR8, BloodGodM8, SkullThroneH8 he has a lot of accounts in the warp.


Exsanguinate and decapitate, yelling about your likely fate, chainaxe in hand but its too late.


Serious now.


I dont know really, Blood lord is too much like blood angels. They have the blood blood thing going. Just pick something you like, like "Murder Chief".

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I'd imagine Khorne Lords the ones who care least about titles. They probably acquire monikers and take the curses and rumors, fears and moans from their surroundings as titles. The sound of howling chains, splitting bone and pierced flesh is the only exaltation needed by

the true follower of the Bloodgod!

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Mr. Bunny?

This one gets my vote. It is just like a servant of Khorne to be named after one of the most murderous and diabolical of creatures. All Hail the Bunny! It's "fluffy"! msn-wink.gif

Pun intended.

A subtle reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail and you're done.

Since it's known as the killer rabbit of Caerbannog, maybe just use "Caerbannog" as the title for your Lord.

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