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Having come close to finishing my Eldar army (which I ashamedly admit to starting two editions ago now) and being left with too much time on my hands until the new semester, I've decided to have ago at making a Chaos Space Marine army. And, just for kicks and giggles, they're orange.


I apparently hate myself.





Apologies for the not so hot iPhone photos, but I'm pretty sure they're still better than the camera I have with me for clubbing.


Anyone who had the 3.5 "good" Codex:CSM might remember an example of these luminous bad boys. The striking colour scheme stood out to me but I never felt I was up to the standards to pull off orange until I cracked out 20 Fire Dragons in this shade of orange. This coupled with the memories of a small Pyre army in GW:Aberdeen several years ago has resulted in the repurposing of some new Raptors (to come) and the purchase of two sets of Dark Vengeance Chosen and a Chaos Lord (to be converted into a scenery-chewing Sorcerer).


I loved the aesthetic of the new CSM plastic infantry and I really want to have the warped and twisted and spiky theme across the entire army, so I'm planning on mixing the DV Chosen with Raptors, Possessed and a few old CSM infantry to make a visually striking force. However the level of detail on these models is intense, and my hobby ADD struggles finishing even single models, so this force is probably not gonna pass the 1000pts mark, or if it does it'll probably number barely ten models. But they'll be ten eye-gougingly bright models so who cares.


Currently I'm edging towards snowdrifty bases, but I'm honestly not sure. Any criticism you have on this model would be fantastic and much appreciated. Next on the line are three more Raptors, including their stabbity-stab champion.


Peace out



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Very nice indeed.

I assume this outrageous colour pleases your Slaaneshi eyeballs, eh Forte?
Very much. The clean finish works well too.

Hehe, I imagine a good orange paint job is like a fine, rare wine for you sensual hedonists. They don't come around very often, but when they do, they must must must be savoured.

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Firepower: Probably doesn't help the pictures are like 3x real size but I'll try and get on top of that :P

Paladin7221: Cheers, hopefully I keep up with the progress!

1000heathens: Complements like that are much appreciated from a B&C character like you!

Eldrick Shadowblade: Appreciated! I'm currently just using a :cussty iPhone 4. I've a bog standard digital camera that I use for various things but I'm not sure if it's best suited for macro imagery. I'm looking to invest in a reasonable digital SLR with some nice HD/macro lenses but I've already got one too many expensive hobbies!

deathspectersgt7: Thanks, mate! I love doing alternative colour schemes.

SanguiniusReborn: Orange/blue contrast is a really powerful and striking scheme (and sadly one that is being used to death in cinema) and something that I wanted to incorporate on these models. The beetle carapace thing didn't even cross my mind, but thanks for mentioning it - I might have to see how I can work with that on later models.

Darth Mustard: There's not enough of this awesome colour on the go!

forte: Cheers, man! Very much appreciated. I love your own Slaanesh Chaos and there's a few ideas I might be tempted to shamelessly steal :P

Midnight Runner: Thanks very much! The consensus seems to be leaning towards snow bases. I'm thinking something like this or possible even a ruined cityscape. I've got some Space Wolves running around in snow drift bases which is another option that I quite liked.


So just a quick update in the meantime: Spiky McChoppy's drinking buddies!


Hopefully gonna work on these some more today and get them to a devent state before my reinforcements arrive.

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I use a bog standard digital camera and it works fine for macro stuff. You just have to give it a second to adjust, otherwise the pics come out a bit naff.


Loving the colour scheme btw. I tried orange back in the day and it looked pretty crap, it's good to see someone doing it right. Just one thing though: were you supposed to call them The Purge in your banner?



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Purty stuff, as others have said I especially like the blue highlights on the black, that light blue would make a perfect colour for power weapons?


Looking forward to seeing what you do with the CSM/Raptor/Chosen/Possessed mixed infantry (the CSM box soooo needs an update!)

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Update time!


A lovely parcel arrived this morning with 2x sets of Dark Vengeance Chosen and Chaos Lords! Not sure what to do with my spare Chaos Lord, but the other will be carved up and converted into a scenery-chewing Sorcerer of Brian Blessed proportions.


In the meanwhile, here's an update on the other 3 Raptors. 




The orange is done as is the black trim on these lads, and I've since moved on to working on the flayed skin. There's a few details that need tidying up (black gets EVERYWHERE) but I'm really starting to enjoy painting these, despite the hours it takes to get the orange done...


A (unfortunately blurry again) closeup of the Aspiring Champion so yo can see the direction I've decided to go with on the faces. 




I really want to go for the high-Chaos look in this army, where armour marks are unrecognisable almost and these posthuman killers look like the monsters they actually are, so I've got for a really pallid flesh tone which also helps to act as a focal point on the model. I'm not sure whether or not to just leave the eyes black or pick them out in yellow/white (like the eye lenses of the other Raptors will be) - I want to maintain a sinister appearance to him but I don't know which would be better!


Hopefully I'll get these guys finished tonight which means I can start on converting up the DV Chosen. The question is whether or not I want to run them as boring-ass basic CSM or Chosen lead by Abaddon (or at least a brighter version of him).


As always, all C+C muchly appreciated.



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I personally think you should leave it.  The painting on these models are amazing and the void that are his eyes at the moment also draw attention to the inhuman nature of the model.  


I love The Pyre (I love a lot of the Chaos Renegades to be honest) and I look forward to seeing the basic guys at a later point!

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