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Autopistol cultists

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Outside of ebaying for DV models or breaking the bank at Forgeworld, are there any cheap ways of making cultists with pistols and CCW? Cadians work well for cultists with autoguns but you only get, I think, one or maybe two chainswords and laspistols in the Cadian box so it's not really an alternative. The cultists pushed by GW lack variety, Dark Eldar wyches have the problem of being Dark Eldar and various WHFB models such as Imperial Flagellants lack pistols. 

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GW sells them for 8 EUR per 5, same ones as from DV.


I know. You get, what, three autogun cultists and two autopistol ones. Say you want 20 guys with autopistols - then you need 10 packs of cultists, which would make a clone army with the same two guys ad nauseum. There'd also not be any flamers or heavy stubbers, nor would there be a shotgun for the champ should I want it. What GW should do is start selling boxes of 10, or better yet, 20 plastic cultists on sprue with all the options in the Codex. 


As it stands, it isn't an option. 




Them heretic pistols are looking fine!

If you don't mind laspistols rather than autopistols then I recommend the Catachan squad box.

If you remove the barrel of an IG lasgun fore of the magazine then reattach the muzzle you get a decent laspistol.

Pardon the image of corpse-Emperor worshipping loyalists, but look to the aiming sergeant's pistol for an example.gallery_63428_8145_6504.jpg

I recommend the Catachan box over the Cadian one because a lot of the Cadian lasguns have left hands moulded onto the barrels. Most of the Catachan ones don't.

There's also a fair few swords and knives in there too.

You might have to reposition some arms from rifle-poses into pistol-aiming/holding poses but that's nothing a little Green Stuff can't hide.

Laspistols are just fine, wouldn't mind that all. I even briefly considered using scouts as cultists because they come with bolt pistols and CCW and I hardly think any opponent would mind if it was explained to them what the scouts were representing but boy would that be cost prohibitive.

Also I would suggest using to the holster that come in the csm and zerker  box set, if you want cultist wielding anything two handed.


Very true.

Holsters are a great idea. Not too hard to GS some yourself. If you have some cut off bolter pistol-grips too (I never throw mine away) then you can use these so it really looks like there's a weapon holstered in there.

Pig Iron Kolony Ferals or Infected would probably work or CC cultists too, though they are not quite as cheap a box of plastic minis converted with some las pistols or other guns (These just seemed pretty cheap to me, I never really looked into it, but there are lots of companies that produce pistols of one variety or another).
Speaking of plastic kits, Wargames Factory offers Apocalypse Survivors. You can get male or female ones each kit has 30 models per box with different weapon choices. They are pretty cheap considering the contents of the box, unlike GW they are not heroic scale though. Here's a review with a side by side comparison shot of a SM and IG mini. Personally I think they look much better next to the Marine than the Catachan, but I guess that's a matter of taste. Since they are basically contemporary zombie apocalypse minis they might require a little more work to sci-fi and 40k up. But on the other hand a few wires here and there should get that done pretty easily.


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