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"You know you're a Heresy junkie" when...

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Seeing as how some other forums have this, I think we should have a go at it ;)





- You can't use the excuse of how much your wife or girlfriend spends on shoes and purses when you buy more resin goodies...because you've already spent way more money then they have XD


- When your child looks like a deer in headlights when you glance at them after seeing new model releases that you have no money for


- When you don't feel the pain in your stomach after not eating for 2 weeks, because that Thanatar siege-automata looks so dang cool!!!


- When you scoff at getting resin dust from modeling your unique company of badarses on your heresy standard issue jacket, then laugh it off as you sip some fine scotch and the fire crackles in the background




Keep them coming! ;)

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When you play the theme song to "Beauty & the Beast" while building a Fulgrim & Ferrus diorama. (Oh, like no one else hears that song when looking at these two models together)


When you tell your significant other that you're going drinking with the boys, then go to your hobby room to build & paint a few more legion squads.


When going to a "strip club" means hanging out with your best HH buddy while you both remove yet another paint scheme from your models because they  "just aren't looking how the Sons of Horus should look". 


When you take the time to answer questions like this and actually recognize things that you do qualify you to share the title of Heresy Junkie!

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When you play the theme song to "Beauty & the Beast" while building a Fulgrim & Ferrus diorama. (Oh, like no one else hears that song when looking at these two models together)



Ferrus is the beauty, right?

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When you play the theme song to "Beauty & the Beast" while building a Fulgrim & Ferrus diorama. (Oh, like no one else hears that song when looking at these two models together)



Ferrus is the beauty, right?



But of course! I knew that I should have typed it as "Ferrus & Fulgrim" instead.

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When you play the theme song to "Beauty & the Beast" while building a Fulgrim & Ferrus diorama. (Oh, like no one else hears that song when looking at these two models together)

Oh great, thank you very much Archangel, now im going to hear nothing but that in me head whenever I look at these two :P


When you build lists and mentally map out elaborate diorama pieces from epic battles, despite having very little skill in the creative department. Good with ideas, just not executing them haha

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When you play the theme song to "Beauty & the Beast" while building a Fulgrim & Ferrus diorama. (Oh, like no one else hears that song when looking at these two models together)

Oh great, thank you very much Archangel, now im going to hear nothing but that in me head whenever I look at these two tongue.png

Ah, my work is done for the night. Good thing I didn't mention playing Man of La Mancha's "Impossible Dream" while building Horus the Warmaster. I just love that staircase.

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When you've turned your nose up at every 40k release for the past 2 years


To you, a Centurion is an exciting HQ choice from FW, not some horrendous plastic mess with a Grav Amp


You only ever buy glue and BL novels from your local GW store


AND the only reason you look forward to Friday is not as its almost the weekend but to see what the new releases are from FW

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...you stay awake for hours asking youself what army you will paint when you finally succumb to the heresy.

...you solve the problem by swearing to buy only vehicles and paint them in Our Martyred Lady colors while you wait for sister plastics.


...you're genuinely happy the only armies you'd ever be interested in were in the first three books and thus you don't have to wait a decade before getting rules.

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- you just can not consider any weapon option unless it includes the word "Volkite"


- you consign yourself to the fact that AB YS is your only true new licence plate option (It might be a crappy novel but still a viable ship class)

In America, B3TRAYR is a viable option. For motorcycles, you can do ARGL TL.


I don't know how bad it is that I've actually put time and effort into thinking of that.....

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...when you clip your finger/toe nails and refer to it as removing flashing.


...when you can't find your goggles and dust mask because you are ALREADY wearing them.


...when you have a can (or cans) of fine matt car body primer on the kitchen table.


...when resin dust is your favorite smell in the world.


...when you name your newborn child after Alan Bligh. I mean it. His whole first name is "Alan Bligh"...

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