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D- weapon rolls


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'If the attack hits, roll on the table above instead of rolling To Wound or for armor penetration'  (emphasis mine).


When do we roll To Wound?  The steps are (in order):

1. Nominate a unit to Shoot.

2. Choose a Target.

3. Select a Weapon

4. Roll To Hit

5. Roll To Wound

6. Allocate Wounds & Remove Casualties

7. Select Another weapon.


The Destroyer table result replaces step 5.  It places a caveat of not carrying wounds over to other models (important in step 6).  Step 6 is where saves occur.  It does not bypass Step 6 (though some results impose a limitation on it); nor does it state to do step 5 during, or after step 6.  The rule clearly says instead of rolling to Wound, which places its results squarely in the place of step 5, which is after step 4 and before step 6.  The Assault Phases Fight Sub-Phase at each Initiative step lacks a nice chart, but lays it out a similar pattern in a more verbose way.  Roll To Hit, Roll To Wound, Allocate Wounds and Remove casualties.  The Destroyer Roll is instead of rolling To Wound, and saves occur during the Allocate Wounds and Remove casualties step.

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The table's wording (as quoted by Jacinda) suggests strongly that you follow this process:
- Calculate the number of hits
- Each hit wounds automatically
- These wounds are allocated as per normal wound allocation
This means:
- A wound is allocated from the wound pool (Look out Sir, if applicable, occurs here).
- Saves (if applicable) are then taken.
- If the wound isn't saved, the model suffers D3 wounds.
- Move onto the next wound in the pool, repeating the process until the pool is empty.

So in the case of an Imperial Knight vs a Riptide (with over-charged shield), each 3++ save that is failed will result in the Riptide losing D3 wounds.


At least that is looking like the consensus that is materialising as the RAW is dissected.

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Saves are rolled against wounding hits. There is only one hit. One save, d3 wounds if failed.


I really don't understand how this thing has dragged on for two pages, it's not like there haven't been weapons causing more than one wound before D-weapons.

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If the model loses 3 wounds, and said model only has 1,are the rest carried over to that squad? Or are they allocated per model? Because a Knight with a D weapon can essentially destroy a whole squad of Marines or terminators in 1 round of combat with only 3 attacks, each causing 3 wounds. That doesn't sound right to me :-/
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