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Are Khorne Blood Slaughterers any good?

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Never seen them in action or heard of anyone using them. Their stats alone are kinda unimpressive and you'd probaby have more sucess with Maulerfiends instead.


They do look kinda cool and impaling a big critter seems like fun.

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Hi all,

as the title suggests, are blood slaughterers any good in regular games of 40k? If so, how many would you take, a full full squad of 3?




As to there playability - Blind Fury kills off most of the units ability. Its a pity, because in the games i've used them, we house ruled out that one and they are a strong unit.


With the blind fury rule there outshone by other options like maulerfiends or even bikers for generalist uses BUT they can still be used if you block LoS to enemy units you dont want to charge. Considering we need to use all teh units we can though, its a big ask.


The impaler is very useful, and ensures a charge at least on turn 2. Im hoping they gain the daemon engine rule, fleet, lose blind fury and cost about 110pts.



Im currently trying to build the Vraksian Beserker Ogryns as my spawn using other kits, so the proxy idea would fit right in my double mauler lists!

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It's a bit small for a mauler, but not by so much that it would be unworkable - I'd definitely build up the base some. As for the set up, maulers don't get alignments, or options other than tendrils or magna cutters. Both are suitable in a khornate lists. Remember that the cutters are 'one pair' and operate as a single upgrade, so you get one or two extra attacks total. By contrast, tendrils are 'two bundles' and each bundle is explicitly cumulative with the other, for a total modifier of -2 attacks, minimum one. On the other hand, the tendrils cost more, and the mauler needs all the extra attacks it can get.


Basically, if you plan to throw it up against monstrous creatures or other walkers, get the tendrils, as the -2 attacks can be a real life saver considering that the mauler's initiative isn't all that impressive. If you plan on throwing more at fortifications, non-walker vehicles, and infantry, however, then stick with the cheaper cutters for the extra attacks, since the attack penalty doesn't mean anything against tanks and buildings, and the main threat from infantry is grenades, which are one attack per model anyway.



As for running the slaughterers as slaughterers, they can operate in a squadron, which is nice, as it should make them relatively chewy. And they don't cost an arm and a leg. But they're a bit slow, though one or two grappling cannons can help that at the cost of a few attacks. They look decent to me, but I haven't tried them out to say for sure. I believe they're due for an update late this year, along with everything FW has for 40k chaos. That said, I really don't expect them to change much, if at all, from their current, late 6e incarnation in IA:Apo'13.

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I'm away from my books at the moment. If nobody answers before I get home from work this afternoon, I'll look it up and let you know, at least in general terms, what if any changes there are.
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