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Fire Raptor and Relics rules?


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Hello brothers,


I have had recently ordered the Sicaran fast tank and now I am thinking of getting the Fire raptor as well. Due to relic rules I guess while using Reclusiarch I can place both right? 


On the other hand do I have now the IA 2 vol 2, where I have found rules for the tank, also the rules for fire raptor. HOWEVER the flyer is missing the option for the auto canons that are in the box moreover in these rules.


Can you please help me to understand how to use them both, moreover what are the most recent rules for the flyer ? On the other hand what are your experience with them if any?




PS. Bit off topic, but did we loose our comptentors?! I mean I cannot find them there but with the number of new editions and FW books, I just might be looking into the wrong one.

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The rules in IA2 vol2 are the most current. The autocannons are in the model kit because they are options for heresy Era and chaos space marine fire-raptors, and Contemptors are in IA1 2nd edition if i recall, we still have our own twin-fist contemptor pattern.

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I am also planning on purchasing both a Fire Raptor and Sicaran and would like to field both (not to mention the Contemptor I've got sitting in a bag).  Can someone tell me where the rule that says a Reclusiarch allows both relics in one army is located?  I'll be purchasing IA 2.2 when I order the vehicles.  Thanks!

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Page 243.


A regular Contemptor does not have the Relic of the Armoury rule (and is ineligible for C:BA). The BA pattern Contemptor is found on page 18 of the current IA Apocalypse and that too, does not have the Relic of the Armoury rule.

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I actually emailed FW  with this question about our Contemptor and was told the following:

I have a question regarding the use of Contemptor Dreadnoughts by Blood Angels. In the new Imperial Armour 2, a friend informed me that Blood Angels do not access to the contemptor. However, in Apocalypse 2nd edition, they have access. Which book should be used for the most recent rules?
Thank you for your email. As the Blood Angels and Space Wolves Contemptors are quite distinct from the standard Contemptor Dreadnought their rules can be found In Imperial Armour Apocalypse.

If there is anything further we can do to assist you, or if you have any queries about the information we have requested or provided, please telephone us.

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Thank you brothers for your help, however I am still quite confused with the FIRE RAPTORs autocannon profile, does it have regular auto cannon twin linked (2x S7 AP4) or it uses the PDF profile(4xS7 AP4) per battery?


On the other hand, you can find the relic rules here as well (same as IA2SE)



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The PDF profile is out of date and should not be used. That was the experimental profile before it was added to HH: Extermination and IAv2SE.


If the FAQ had wanted you to have Reaper Autocannons, it would have said so. As it is, the option is just for a twin-linked Autocannon. Case in point, During the HH, Predator Destructors used a Predator Cannon but 10,000 years later this is now an Autocannon due to reproducibility problems, whilst an Imperial Knight's rapid-fire Battle Cannon is now two shots rather than three during 30k.

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220 point raptor vs 230 point raven: same missiles. extra hull point, higher S and AP sponsons with independent fire, 7 x S6 AP3 twinlinked shots instead of ravens nose and turret weaponry. Oh yeah...don't forget strafing run too.


All for 10 points less than a raven? Sounds like a deal to me :)

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Yeah I fielded one in a 1500 pt tourny recently and it only got to shoot in one of three games :D Well worth it though, took the heat of assault units at least.

Also if you're gonna go for a scorpius why not add that Legend Of Glory which gives blast weapons ignore cover for 35 pts

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Yeah I fielded one in a 1500 pt tourny recently and it only got to shoot in one of three games :D Well worth it though, took the heat of assault units at least.Also if you're gonna go for a scorpius why not add that Legend Of Glory which gives blast weapons ignore cover for 35 pts

I usually do, though it depends on pointage, I like to combine it with pods so they have more immediate threats to deal with, a furioso or sternguard pod that doesn't scatter is a nice addition at 20 points.

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