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Ordnance and vehicles


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Order of operations matters now because GW is a stupid :cuss .


Example: Leman Russ with 3 heavy bolters and a battle cannon. You choose to fire the heavy bolters first. BS3. You then choose to fire the battle cannon. BS3.


"a vehicle that fires an Ordnance weapon can only make Snap Shots with its other weapons that turn."


Since the Ordnance weapon hasn't fired, all other weapons are at normal BS. Once you fire the Ordnance though, all further weapons are Snap Shots. I have struggled to find anything that says otherwise.



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Reference - Vehicles & Ordnance Weapons, page 73 BWB.


Well I suspect you need to look at it like this:


Example 1:

- You shoot the ordnance weapon first - all other weapons must now snap-shoot

- The remaining weapons snap-shoot

Simple easy and no problems there.


Example 2:

- You shoot the non-ordnance weapons first at full BS

- You now nominate the ordnance weapon, however you have already fired the other weapons at full BS

- The vehicle and ordnance weapons rules state that those shots must have been snap shots.  As they weren't, the ordnance weapon cannot fire.

This is because the wording is that when a vehicle shoots an ordnance weapon, all other shots "that turn" are snap shots.  So if they have been fired in any other way, you are breaking the "vehicle and ordnance" rules - simple as that.


I still think that when nominating a unit/model to shoot, you should still declare which weapons are firing and which aren't - before any rolls to hit are made.  You then nominate which weapon is firing first and go from there.  That way, the moment you declare you are shooting the ordnance weapon that turn, you know that every other weapon will be a snap-shot.

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No because

"a vehicle that fires an Ordnance weapon can only make Snap Shots with its other weapons that turn" =/= "a vehicle that fires an Ordnance weapon can then only make Snap Shots with its other weapons that turn."


It never specifies that the Ordnance firing only affects weapons fired after it in a turn. In other words the rules break the time dependence of causality, but they don't make order of shooting matter for accuracy based on Ordnance.

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Dam1en has the right of it.  You need to declare everything that is shooting before you shoot.  Then you go in order as you choose.  Since everything is declared, it places the restrictions from shooting some weapons on all the rest.


Not sure if this is a full rule, or not.  Will need to check my book when I get the chance.

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It's unfortunately not, however it's good form in this case as it ensures that you follow the rules that are there.


It's not a rule, but an additional step in the process that ensures the rules are followed.


GW don't spell it out for us (like some people would like) so using some common sense is often required.

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