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ICON - 1850 - Nationally Ranked Tournament


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I'll give you a hint. A skyshield landing pad is about 3" high, ancient fighty coffin with giant flechette cannon is just below 3" tall msn-wink.gif His best counter, the dreadknight, is definitely taller than 3"!

I also saw that you dropped the dread behind the LR, any special reason? I've done this a few times out of habit but in general it's much better to drop in front. He's got a killy unit inside that he wants to push forward but isn't interested in fighting with the dread.

AV is same all around on a LR and from the looks of it you could have dropped the pod in front for a cover from the raider weapons and used that hill to avoid the enemies on the sky shield.

Pod is also a 5" movement blocker since the hull is 3" wide and he has to stay 1" away when moving.

Re: the pod in front of the raider. I needed the dread on the right hand side to support that flank and the top objective , if the melta gamble paid off, it wouldnt have mattered, if it didnt, i wanted him to think about trying to kill the dread before moving all away, and force him to think about being between a rock and a hard place. i also didnt want his raven central. I think the blocking routine would have worked well too, but just in an annoyance, i needed to bait him that side anyway, and if not bait, protect that flank, so didnt mind him coming forward.

Re: the landing pad, great idea!! thing is, im not sure how I would have shot or charged after though? :/ Seems like a surefire way to get melta countered by the Jokaero in the following turn?

Just to make sure, were you playing 6th or 7th edition now? smile.png


Hence "last flight of Mephiston" ^_^

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yeah thought so ^^ Weird that he didnt really use his expensive model at all (the dreadknight). I still feel this was not too hard of a list ^^


You generally cant do the trick with the furioso because you will get within 1" of the models atop the skyshield (vertically).. this made me very sad when I realized it when playing versus Tau. Might have worked here though, then move up, open the chimera and shoot coteaz with the boys would have been great ^^ a bit risky versus all those twin-linked multimeltas though.

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Re: the landing pad, great idea!! thing is, im not sure how I would have shot or charged after though? :/ Seems like a surefire way to get melta countered by the Jokaero in the following turn?




You might been able to sneak a melta shot at the rear AV on the razor back. But that's not the important part, messing with his head his! A top heavy henchmen list like that is very dependent on the Coteaz castle holding up. He would have had no good way of dealing with that dread in his turn 2!  Dreadknight can't get to it, Storm raven can't see it and you could always get cover, if nothing else just pop smoke after you disembark. 


Jokaero only have heavy weapons and razorbacks don't have any fire ports, so to shoot you he will have to leave the safety of his transports and resort to snap shots. They would also have to abandon that sweet 4+ invul in order to do so. 

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I'm guessing Mort dropped his dread where he did to gain cover from the GK baseline, without granting obscured to the raider from any of his own shooting. Or maybe he meant to drop in front but scattered. Or maybe I'll shuddup and let the guy answer for himself :p

whoops late again sorry. damn phone

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Game 2: Eldar


Mission: 2 Objectives

Special Rules: Force Fields - There are 6x 12” lines down the centre of the board. At the start of each player turn, on a 5+, that segment is active and any units being shot through that active segment receive a 4++.





Autarch – Bike, Fusion gun, Lance, Bike, Mantle


10 Guardians – w/ Warlock – Scatter laser

Bling Serp

10 Guardians – w/ Warlock – Star Cannon

Bling Serp

10 Guardians – w/ Warlock – Scatter laser (?)

Bling Serp

10 Dire Avengers –

Bling Serp

5x Fire Dragons

Bling Serp





I lost first turn, so, I knew things would get hairy very quickly with the amount of eldar shooting and ignore cover.


I castled up everything behind the ruins, and baited what I could with Mephy and the Champ-termaster. His turn saw very little aggressive movement, aside from a surprising run down the centre with his WL. His Autarch flanked, and with the help of an eldrad redploy, he moved one serp squad further on the flank too.






The shields came up, and luckily there were 2 central shields, protecting a fair deal of my stuff from firing! At least Id get 4++ since I was unlikely to get cover from the shield nonsense.

I weathered more firepower than I should have! And saved saved a good few incoming shots, allowing me to avoid too much damage – I cant remember if he got first blood or not, though!


In my turn, Mephy charged straight towards the Wraithlord. The CM moved to engage the Autarch, and the mobile razors to tray take shots on serps that had downed shields (all of them!). I had an option to deploy cautiously and play the long game, or more aggressively and a shorter game in terms of where I wanted my dready. On the left, where 3 planes were neatly packed in fragcannon spacing, there were the firedragons. On the right, there was just 1 serp and the objective! I knew I would lose the dready on the 1 side, but decided to go for the risk of drilling 3 planes and also getting the dragons out for raven counter.


Sadly, my scatter was bad, and I wasnt able to position the dread where it needed to go and as a result was only able to attack one target.

The chapter master however, did some great damage and destroyed one plane – the explosion of which caused the squad to break and run off the board! HPs were done here and there, but not other major shooting. I didnt even bother with the autarch with the silly 2+ rerollable.

Mephy then charged into the WL and stomped his face – consolidating back into cover.


In his turn, he unloaded the avengers and the dragons to target their respective enemies.




The Autarch positioned himself carefully, trying to kill the bikers in his reach. Fortunately, even though I lost combat, I was able to break away with one wound on the bike thanks to a good roll on my initiative after I failed my check. Otherwise, shooting took a wound off mephy and also killed a raven and 2 tac marines.


My ravens both came on in my turn, which meant serious trouble for the enemy.

The Autarch still stood out of combat, and although I should have chased him down with the CM, I had more pressing targets, and decided to move forward. I moved my bikes up, including the regrouped one, and layered various charges to ensure I wouldnt take unnecessary wounds on characters. Just before shooting was done, I realised I had moved my biker master into 2” of the other bike, which meant my options were one limited. I failed my 6 or 7 inch charge on the CM, but mephy slammed into the guardians, wiping them out, while the other raven helped damage the remaining planes and managed to break the firedragons.




In his turn, his dragons failed to regroup, and kept falling back. He moved what he could to take shuriken shots on Meph, and deliberated for some time on what to do with the autarch. He decided to take the gamble on the Master, and hope he could make 2x 4++ saves and bounce off him. He regretted that decision, as the master smashed his face in. Mephy however wasn't so lucky and took a barrage of shuriken shots to the face.

It wasn't looking bad though.


In my next turn, the ravens flew about and my master moved to engage the guardians.



The game was really now about clean up and in the next few turns, I secured whatever points I could. I let a squad in the raven charge the dire avengers, and wiping them out.  The game ended in turn 5 with me killing his last model.





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@ Jolemai - I was thinking the same thing!  Eldar mirror match??


@ Mort, those wave serpents sure seemed to drop like flies.  What was doing your most work?


He immobed one on the wreck of another that I had taken out by the Orbital. 

Another was taken out by MM attack bikers shooting, one more by combat.  After that it was the ravens.  I almost entirely ignored serps that didnt fire their shields and only shot ones that did.  



Up against this next:



Autarch - Bike, shard, something, bling



20x Chimera beast squad

5x warriors

20x Guardians 2x BLs

3x 3 Jetbikes


6 or 7 Warp Spiders

6 or 7 Swooping Hawks.


Wraith Knight - D cannons.

3x Warwalkers - 2x BL each.

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Baron Sathonyx joins them to give them hit-and-run and stealth (less relevant in this case), Chimaeras all have a 4++. Normally the tournament cheese builds are Eldar base, with Baron + Beastpack as allies, 5 warriors to fulfil minimum troops, and toss a jetbike farseer in there with the Shard to try and get fortune and make the entire thing fearless. Spreads out, runs up, multi-assaults, hit-and-run, do it all again. Still scary, but less scary without a farseer casting Fortune on it and making it immune to morale.

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Basically a huge fearless blob with a lot of attacks in cc (15-20 S3 rending), a 2+ rerollable coversave, 4+ rerollable invulnerable save, hit and run and all that stuff. 


Even stronger now in 7th, because Invisibility makes that you can only fire snapshots at them..

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Beastpack with two wraithknights, sathonyx, eldrad, farseer plus the rest..it's a nasty list because of the re-rolls and if he gets good dice on hit and run distance, you are up against it very quickly. With model positioning shenanigans they can cover the board; situational but if you're playing objectives put those in your DZ high up and far back as possible and remember the beastpack can still only claim or contest one objective at a time. This list annoys me a little; it's very much a non-fluffy 'go to' if you just want to win, hence you do not have to be a particularly good player to win with it.
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Difference is this list isn't -as- vicious as it 'only' runs an autarch with a shard rather than a farseer, meaning the psychic buffs of fortune and invisibility aren't as likely. @Ushtarador, Kyhmerae are S4 without rending and have a 4++. it's the Razorwing flocks that have the S3 rending. Fortune is bloody nasty as Baron has a shadowfield, meaning you can get a 2++ re-rollable to tank the saves from the front (though it's risky as if Baron bites the dust they lose a lot of their bite).

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Interesting... never seen one run with a spiritseer (Farseer's the usual choice because of different psychic power access and that extra wound). Didn't even know spirit seers could take a jetbike! Know Dark Eldar like the back of my hand, don't have a clue about Craftworld. Does it show?

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