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ICON - 1850 - Nationally Ranked Tournament


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You generally cant do the trick with the furioso because you will get within 1" of the models atop the skyshield (vertically)..


Didn't catch this one right away. 


Walkers measure from the base like infantry and not the hull like normal vehicles. The only exeption is when shooting and checking AV facings.  Check p90 of the BRB. Pretty sure the wording was the same for 6th ed.


So nothing stops you from playing hide and seek with a broadside team ;)

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Spiritseers can't take bikes so it must be a farseer. Since he was only taking 1 farseer it reduces his chance of being unstoppable. When you get all the powers you want there's almost no point of playing because it's grossly overpowered. I ashamedly played the list for awhile but gave it up after having people scoop on turn 2. It's not unbeatable though. I lost my first game with it against a very good daemon player running a flying circus. It's reach is just too much though. I've multiple assaulted units that are 30 inches apart with it because of its huge foot print.
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MIssion -






Special Rules - Heavies Score  - (Don't count as addition VP though), Up to 2 units can be given the outflank rule. 

He chose his Warp Spders and his Jetbikes.  I chose a 5man squad and one of my ravens.


Night fight was rolled! He won first turn but elected to give it to me on account of those bastard pesky jetbikes that are able to turbo boost anywhere on the board for last turn contestation. (Ironically, i think this would be his undoing).


He deployed as you saw, 



I deployed with all razors on the board and only the one squad in the raven.


In turn one, I moved mephy into cover, and the rest of the squads I moved up within 24" to get as much firepower in on the beasts before they got their rerolls.  The dready also came down, with a decent scatter ready to try wound about 14 models


You guys are gonna love this....


After the dready shooting, which was wonderful and killed a bunch of guys (though his saves were good!) I targeted the Bikerseer with the Chaptermaster OB.   "lol".  

It was relatively on target, and caused 4 wounds on the squad- with him on the centre. He made 4x LO,S rolls - failing 1 of them.  He then failed his 4+ save.  


Whooop whoop!!  First Blood AND the squad no longer has fearless.


Then came the razors with 2 shots each, and the bikers with an additional 8 shots.  I focuss-fired open wherever possible to avoid saves better than 4++.  The beasts took serious casualties.  They held though.  It was a good first turn!





In his turn, the various powers were cast on his squads, and things moved forward - the WK moved out of cover to engage the Dread - taking the bait for Mephy to counter. His Hawks zapp up into the air.


My forward movement in turn 1 was very conservative on account of me knowing that the beasts had fleet and a 12" move.  So, in his turn he was still a fair way away from the various units.  It paid off.  He tried a double charge, (through some terrain i think) but failed the 8" required - even with fleet.  His WK did smash my dreads face though, but only consolidated 2" which meant he would be within Mephies reach.


In turn 2, the pod came on (towards the back to try split his forces up a bit), and also one of the Ravens (the outflanking one).  I got all of the marines out of the Razors in order to put down as much firepower on the beasts as possible.  Their saving was really good on account of the 4++ reroll, but they took a lot of casualties.  They wound up breaking!!! Huzzah!!!! Actually..wait...booo!!! I was REALLY wanting to mash their face in combat and with the 4 bikers and the master, I think i would have taken it :( 


 Mephy had moved to engage the WK and was now in charge range about 7 or 8".  

Unfortunately for me, my luck was not to hold (or rather the opponent's high dice), and the opponent got 2 hits in overwatch with those blasted D-guns.  This meant that if either of those 6s were a subsequent 6 - mephy would be dust.  



A 6.


There goes the lord of death.


Thankfully his high dice keep up their steam, and he fails to regroup his beasts, falling back some more.  

All but one of his jet bike squads come in.  




He boosts around with the bikes, just trying to keep them alive, and the WK moves to engage my small 5man squad.  

My Raven has shots fired against it, and I jink but take one HP in glancing from his Spiders.  The Hawks also dropped down trying to take out as many marines as possible.  His Knight made short work of my 5man squad and i took casualties here and there.  My back line was looking a little dire with the spiders, the hawks, 3 bikes on the flank, and then the warwalkers on the right edge. I had also lost a razor to the BL shots from the big guardian squad.


In my turn, the other raven came on.  I decided to get rid of the Walkers.  The other raven i deliberated quite a while on, and eventually decided that I should play the long game, and instead of dropping off the 5man inside, i blazed the squad off the board to go into ongoing reserve. The 2 biker squad i moved to engage the Hawks, and the surviving razors (one of which was remounted by the ASMs) moved to shoot up the spiders, who took heavy casualties.




I moved around where I could, the master I moved up to the guardians where he would subsequently charge.


Unfortunately, my bikers failed a 4" charge <_< Leaving the remaining hawks to skyleap off again into the wild blue yonder.

The Warwalkers went up in a blaze of fire to the Blood Strikes, MM and AC fire!


In his turn, he tried to pull things back as much as possible, but his options were limited.  He manoeuvred his bikes where he could, boosting where he could. I used hit and run to get out of the Eldrad combat and boost off to the DE holding the top objective. 

In my next turn, both ravens were on board, and started operation clean up.  The CM cleaned up the DE and then moved back toward the guardians and eldrad. He then got caught up in combat for about 3 or so phases before Eldrad went down - he did have to cast Death Mission on his Eldrad to prevent getting destroyed and lasted for 3 phases i think. 




I left the 1 man Tac on an objective, right next to the WK, meaning he would need to choose who to engage with, allowing me to at least keep one of my objectives.  I overloaded the objectives with targets, to create some redundancy in scoring.  It paid off.

The rest was me picking off the bikers where I could, eventually cleaning up most of them. 



By the end of it, i had taken 3 objectives, and the most he could get was 2 having the WK and 2 bikers left on the board.


Solid victory to the Angels.









Next up -  The Slaaneshi Flying Circus.

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Mephy had moved to engage the WK and was now in charge range about 7 or 8".

Unfortunately for me, my luck was not to hold (or rather the opponent's high dice), and the opponent got 2 hits in overwatch with those blasted D-guns. This meant that if either of those 6s were a subsequent 6 - mephy would be dust.


A 6.


There goes the lord of death.

Ha ha, welcome to the club! :D

Had the same thing happen to me, the lucky wraithknight paid for it later though when he was killed by a tank shocking razorback :P

Good job staying focused on the end game. Can't believe he let you get first turn with that list! Was he by any chance unfamiliar with how a frag cannon works?

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Agreed about that 1st turn mistake.   I think in his mind he was much more concerned about last turn objective scoring.  I think he underestimated the Frag cannon.  But, ya,defs in his mind he was like: "I need to go second. Its night fight, so wont be too bad, and my bikers will just jump on all objectives at the end". 

Up next against:


Keeper of Secrets


Winged Blinged lvl 3 Prince (330pnts)

Winged Blinged lvl 3 Prince (330pnts)

Winged Blinged lvl 3 Prince (330pnts)


10x Daemonettes

10x Daemonettes

10x Daemonettes

10x Daemonettes


9x Seekers

9x Seekers

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Mission:  6 Objectives.  


Vanguard Strike. 


Special Rules:  Half your army MUST deploy in reserve.  (This may include units that have to deploy in reserve), and Fast Attack units score.


My opponent won side choice, and first turn choice. Being an ex-BA player, and concerned about my Frag cannon (his mate being the Eldar player too) he didnt want me taking first opp to frag his units.  

He deployed all his daemonettes off, and one squad of seekers.  2 D squads walked on, and the other 2 planned to strike in.




I castled up like a mofo in front of the ruins - hoping nightfight would protect from the 3x Lash wielding princes.  I elected to have a razor squad off, and 2 bikers off. Everything else was on.  I kept no units in the flyers because I felt i would need as many shots as possible to force grounding checks. 


In his turn, the flyers swooshed forward into the cover of the ruins.  All 3 heavy princes were blazing into my lines.  One or two decent saves prevented me from losing first blood vs. my targetted razors.  The seekers (with that SILLY run move) moved foward, but kept their distance repositioning where required.  


In my turn, i needed to play aggressively.  3 Princes in my lines meant I would have no chance.  I needed to take at least one out.  2 of them had 4+ feel no pain, too and a host of other Bio powers (iron arm, however wasnt rolled!!) 
I moved mephy out, into the top ruin- i didnt want to attack that particular Prince, but he was the only one I could get to. Luckily it was one of the 4+ FNP.  
I moved up all available razors, deployed the menz pod right in front of the building (to the surprise of the opponent) and also unloaded the razor occupants to make sure I had around 8 units to try for a lucky 6 to force grounds.
It paid off (quickly, though!) - he failed his first grounding check.  I didnt need to waste anymore firepower on that unit as mephy would try take him, so turned my focus to the other one -who also failed his first check.  I took a wound I think. 
Mephy charged in, took three wounds from his horrible init8, and then sent him back into oblivion.  First blood for me!
My opponent immediately got very despondent - saying thats pretty much over.  I was like...dude....EARLY days.  In fact, i said, dont sweat- you're going to roll an 11 next turn anyway. 
Anyway, mephy consolidated down, into the area terrain.
In his turn 2, an outflanking seeker squad came in on my left flank, while 1 DS daemonette squad came down.  The rest were delayed by my +1 to reserve trait.
He plays quite aggressively and flies both his princes out of the ruins, right into my back line - wanting to use the shots from them to weaken me first.
Then....as i freaking called it.....the bastard rolls an 11.  For those of you not in the know - it means a random enemy psyker must take an LD check on a 3d6. If he fails it, its removed from play <_<
I chose some lucky dice....roll....and......3x 6s   *cries*
Mephy is gone.  Fine.  I can handle.  Fine.  
I aint mad. Thats why I included the chapter master in my list, so when Mephy goes down too quickly, i still have a monster to pick up slack!!
Psychic Shriek sees 4 bikers blazed, and a razor drilled to stun status.  His Seekers fail their charge.
In my 2nd turn, his 2x DPs are out in the open.  That means they're flyer bait!!!  
I'm feeling good.  Also, dready can come down on the left flank and engage with the Seekers and the Daemonettes. 
Razorback squad...ON! Huzzah.
MM attack Bikers -  Not on.
Dready!!!  Not on.  ......
fine...unfortunate...but fine. 
Raven!!  Not on.
2nd Raven.....NOT ON.
At this point I feel like rage quitting.  (not really, but im really upset about that).  5 rolls - 4x failed 3+.
Fine.  I position my razors to form a blocking wall from the oncoming daemons.  The other tac and assault squad moves to engage the Seekrs on the right.
I drill the one Prince, and focus on him.  He eventually comes down, and i get him down to 1 wound- him passing a lot of his 5+ or 4+FNP.   But no worry- my CM is ready to smack him up and take that last wound.  
I lose quite a few menz from the Seeker charge, but manage to kill most of them.  Unfortunately, their spacing means that we're no longer locked in combat, so everyone consolidates out.

My master passes the 2 wounds I take, and he passes the 3 he needs to take thanks to FNP.  <_< Unimpressed.


In his turn, the rest of his stuff comes on.  Guys walk on from the back, and Daemonettes bomb in on the bottom right objective. 

His DP moves to engage the guys out of combat (The Tac marines). 


The rest moves forward to attack me:




He makes a long DT charge with his daemonette squad, through a window, while the DP charges the tacs - I immediately challenge (yay WS ;) ) And Hit and Run out after losing the challenge to join the poor BA that are being wailed on by the daemonettes. 


The Seekers on the right charge the Razor and wind up killing it no problem.  They're in frag clumping formation now. mwuhahahhaa.


Now!! Chapter master time!! Huzzah!!!!

My chappy has taken 1 wound so far.  He suffers 4wounds- thanks to warp speed! No problem. 4x 3+ saves.











I'm gutted now.

Really upset.  


DP consolidates out and laughs.  


Turn 3.  On my side.  The BA come back. 


Or so I thought.


1st Raven.  ON!!

2nd Raven - Not yet.

Bikers - Not yet.

Frag dread -Not yet.






I know at this point I'm screwed.  I will not have enough time or synergy left to do anything.  


I move my flamer squads to engage with the seekers on the left, and the available razors to take out the DP. 

I finally kill that DP.  

The Raven - targetting the DP on the ground, does no wounds to the DP.  I think i miss with all the BS missiles, and the WL MM.  


The enemy makes an INORDINATE number of 5+ saves on his seekers, but the second volley thins them out nicely.  He only has one or two left.  

The tactical squad remnant squad moves to help out the ailing BA ASMs.   To no avail though.  They get smashed up quite strongly. 


In his turn, he zooms the remaining DP off.  He continues moving what he has to take out the remnants of my army. 


In my 4th turn i finally get the raven, the bikes and the dread.  I target the daemonettes with the dread, but still he makes a great amount of saves, and he only loses a handful.  The bikers also fail miserably.  


In turn 5, he flies back on behind the dread and gets ready to lash it in the butt.  I play my heart out, firing where i can, but i've now lost my troops, and my only scoring bikers get taken out by the daemonettes with a whole bunch of rends.  




I have one small squad which claims the middle left objective, but he has the top right, and middle back and bottom right.  I throw all remaining firepower into removing line breaker units and the units claiming the bottom right objective, and then in turn 6 turn on the guys in the crater - who had subsequently been invisied by the Keeper of Secrets. No dice there.


The game ended -  3-5 (i think).  (FB +1x 2pnt objective and WL + 2x 2pnt objective to him).





This was my "worst" game of the tournament.  


The opponent, a great, solid guy, was not to blame.  I just despise losing to luck based sequence of events.  Pound per pound I believe I had the ability and list to beat his, but was let down by what was essentially 1 lucky 11 on his side, followed by my uncanny ability to roll under 3+ for 10 of 13 key, key dice rolls.


Based on that result, I was also out of the running for pole position. 


Up until now, my opponent is undefeated as was one other player from my club who was using the O'vesa/Shadow Sun/Batmanbelt Commander/Riptide Tau bomb.  


But....with some luck...i could get 2nd.  Lets see...

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In my training before Icon i have played a fellow club member 3 times.  His list is completely Epic in my mind, and he has been tearing our club a new one.

It's a Sisters/SM list.


You read that correctly.


In the times we've played he's tabled me twice. 


He's also the main reason I had included that master - because Mephy just goes down like a ton of bricks vs. his list. 


I pulled him in my final game <_<



Here's the list:



Lvl 2 SM Libby (Iron Hands)


5x Sisters - Hvy flamer, MG

Immolator - TLMM

5x Sisters - Hvy flamer, MG

Immolator - TLMM

5x Sisters - Hvy flamer, MG

Immolator - TLMM

5x Tacs 

Razorback - Las/plas


5x Dominions - 4MG

Immolator - TLMM

5x Dominions - 4MG

Immolator - TLMM

1x Storm Talon (skyhammer)


1x Excorcist

1x Excorcist

1x Excorcist



Now....for those of you who haven't realised it....there are 11 Melta guns in that list and 6 TL-MM as well as 3x Excorcists (d6, S8 Ap1 shots each).  


It is IN-sane.  


The doms usually scout forward, and in first turn are there for first blood in your ranks.

It a list that takes a lickin' and keeps on kicking and kicking and kicking.


The mission:


Pitched Battle. 

Kill Points  (huzzah!! Small mercies  - its 16 to 19, but quite a few of his are squishy)

Special Rules - 5 " bounty"  point may be assigned to any units, in any combination you wish.  Those units with bounty points give their KP value as well as any additional Bounty points assigned to them.  


He got first turn.  It was night fight.


I am now facing down this:



I deploy like this:




(ignore the raven!)


Bounty wise:

He put 2 points on my biker, 2 on my Chapter Master and 1 on the other bikers.

I put 1 on celestine, 2 on the Raven and 1 each on the dominion squads.


For the first time in the tourney, I decided to roll on the RB powers for meph.  

I knew I needed one specific power, and needed to take that gamble to get it. 

I rolled- and my second roll saw that magic 1!!  Iron Arm  *evil grin*  with a little luck he would be wounding me on 4s or even 5s with all his weapons.  That would help loads. meph also got Life Leech and Endurance. As a result, I loaded him up on the Raven! (and prayed to the Emp that he wouldnt leave me behind like he did last game)


 My opponent moved forward, but not as aggressively as he had done in previous games thanks to my bounty points on the Doms.  He also seemed to have forgotten about Night Fight, and thanks to the ruins, I got great cover saves!

He didn't manage to get First Blood, though did take off a turret.


In my turn, I brought down the 5man squad.  I knew from before that my dread dies super quickly if i bring him in turn 1, so, i just moved.  The Orbital bombardment saw me take first blood. But, my conservative movement around the terrain meant that the enemy could not being the full power of his army to bear. 


In turn 2, he raven didn't come on yet, but he moved further out and took shots where he could.  I kept a lot of my models hidden, so targets were slim.  


He broke the pod squad, and killed a razor.  The rest survived reasonably unscathed, although he did get his doms out of the 1 Immo to try take shots at more of my vehicles and lure me out into the open. 


Then came the BA counter....a real one this time.  

Everything came on.  


I positioned my ravens where I needed, and brought out my 1mark MM bikers and whatever else I could.  

There was crazy devastation.  

I took out two Exs and removed the turret from one. I took out another Immo or two and the charge from the Master wiped out the Dom squad.  It was looking good. I even managed to stun the Dom squad inside the razor - so maaaybe my dread would survive a turn!



In his turn he fought back, his raven coming on. 


My raven on the right got downed, but 2 members survived the crash.  Various other shots were fired, but i was still in a good position. The dread took a HP, but otherwise survived!!!!  GREAT!


In my turn, mephy was ready to get into things.  IA went off, and i rolled a 6, meaning he was T9.  mwuahhaha.

Mephy then disembarked and the Raven positioned to take more shots.  My models then moved out again.  My master ready to take on the celestine and take her down. 



I blew up the Dom squad Immo, and thought long and hard about whether or not i should charge the pinned squad.  It was either take 4x snap shots now, or take 4x snap shots next turn. I opted for now.  




To my dismay he got two of them - and took the last 2 HPs of the dread down. <_<


The CM took on the celestine, but as luck would have it she made her saves- and then H&R out of combat towards my squishies.


In his turn, he had a lot less to work with.  I think he boosted his raven off.  And kept the Talon on.  

Celestine started hunting my squishie troopers.  


She made short work where she could (thanks to challenges though, i saved a squad - with the intention of CM coming to save the day).


In my next turn, Meph continued wading through the girls taking on another Dom squad. 

My CM moved to engage the Celestine. I sent my Raven off to try and dogfight with his the next turn.



She got smashed in the face, but passed her faith and got back up for next round, launching herself to the right flank to hunt the squishies there. 

It was still looking good. 


His turn, his raven came on, and tried to take on mephy, or the troops and the bikers and anythign else that was targetted.  

My lone two marines on the top right flank were hidden from site from the encroaching sisters, and the bikers made a good deal of 3+ saves to allow me to keep them alive. I used the challenge/hit&run trick with the WS Tacs vs the Celestine.  She tried to get away from the Master.  


In the next turn, my raven came on engaging with his. 





I had positioned things to take shots on the Celestine. Here's where i pulled a super sneaky.

I only got a stun result through on the Raven.  However, it had come on 18".  Knowing that, the biker that I had set up to take a shot on celestine, I then boosted into the flight path of the stunned Raven....essentially killing it next turn. 




So beardy.


CM moved to engage the Celest, Meph chomped another Vehicle. The lone biker and 2man squad engaging with the 5man squad on the right flank.


At this point it was now clean up.  He tried to get as many bounty points as possible- the bikers just keeping themselves alive.


It went on for 1 more turn, but by end of 6th I finally tabled him.




The total was 26-8.  ^_^ 




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Over all, I was really happy with my list.

I dont think I would have been able to take that O'vesa list - but it would have been a really good last game in my mind.

Ironically, I feel Ultima's Sisters list was the counter to that Ovesa list - but he got diddled in his first game by some unfortunate shenanigans and an odd club rule ruling about cover.

I wound up coming 3rd overall thanks (unfortunately sad.png ) to a painting bonus received by 3 players- 1 of which was the Daemon player.

But that odd painting bonus aside, I got the highest VP of the tournament with 26 (next highest being 15) and the 3rd most objectives (1st being Ultima's sisters and 2nd being the Boat-Eldar player!)


Questions, comments and post game thoughts, as always, really welcomed!

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Game four :/


How did it feel not playing Dirtyrat's Orks for a change? tongue.png

All the same, grats on taking third. How does that affect your ranking and is it reset for the seventh addition?

Hahahha- we were both upset. He had also beaten me twice in the lead up. I was looking forward to it. We narrowly missed each other.

The guy I lose to is quite highly ranked, so, it wont be terrible. I should stay around the same. There will defs be some shuffling of positions. I think Kyle will take top spot in the country after this

And sadly, not reset..

Also, was the Raven in hover mode for that beardy move to work?

Nope. In flight mode. But cant position his base within 1" of an enemy model.

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 My opponent moved forward, but not as aggressively as he had done in previous games thanks to my bounty points on the Doms.  He also seemed to have forgotten about Night Fight, and thanks to the ruins, I got great cover saves!





I had positioned things to take shots on the Celestine. Here's where i pulled a super sneaky.

I only got a stun result through on the Raven.  However, it had come on 18".  Knowing that, the biker that I had set up to take a shot on celestine, I then boosted into the flight path of the stunned Raven....essentially killing it next turn. 



SoB are really nasty with the new codex, a lot of people hasn't realised it yet! They are somewhat weak when facing off a very shooty gunline as most things are short ranged. SoB rank up there with Eldar as the army I have most the problems with. 


A question here about the dominions. For those that do not have a SoB player in their group a good part of what makes them so nasty is the 5 meltas (and a combi weapon) you can scout, disembark and then give 'ignore cover' from their act of faith. When you said that you had good cover, did he fail his act of faith or did he simply forget about them?



Also the second bolded part isn't a legal move, velocity locked was FAQd by GW to always be a 36" move (max distance, not minimum) for 6th. A lot people (including me) missed it at first and for 7th it's now specified as 18". 

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 My opponent moved forward, but not as aggressively as he had done in previous games thanks to my bounty points on the Doms.  He also seemed to have forgotten about Night Fight, and thanks to the ruins, I got great cover saves!





I had positioned things to take shots on the Celestine. Here's where i pulled a super sneaky.

I only got a stun result through on the Raven.  However, it had come on 18".  Knowing that, the biker that I had set up to take a shot on celestine, I then boosted into the flight path of the stunned Raven....essentially killing it next turn. 



SoB are really nasty with the new codex, a lot of people hasn't realised it yet! They are somewhat weak when facing off a very shooty gunline as most things are short ranged. SoB rank up there with Eldar as the army I have most the problems with. 


A question here about the dominions. For those that do not have a SoB player in their group a good part of what makes them so nasty is the 5 meltas (and a combi weapon) you can scout, disembark and then give 'ignore cover' from their act of faith. When you said that you had good cover, did he fail his act of faith or did he simply forget about them?



Also the second bolded part isn't a legal move, velocity locked was FAQd by GW to always be a 36" move (max distance, not minimum) for 6th. A lot people (including me) missed it at first and for 7th it's now specified as 18". 



K&F - i stand to be corrected here, but my understanding was (from what I remember of the FAQ) that locked velocity was locked at one of the 2 speeds you chose - 18"  or 36" - nothing in between.  

As moot as it is, Id be really curious to see the wording of the old FAQ if anyone has a copy. 


As for the dominions, i actually had a lot of LOS blocking terrain. The stuff that was behind cover but in sight was too far down - and if he had made a direct break for it, he would have lost his " marked"  dominion squads (the reason why i chose them!)

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Oh yeah, just wanted to mention that the most satisfying thing about this thread are the sweet sweet tears of the beaststar-player when you wiped half his unit with the fragioso biggrin.png just imagine if you had fielded two of these badboys, the pain!

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A bit unrelated to the reports, but any idea what you will play in 7th? Will you stick with BA or wait for the new Codex (like me, shame I know).

We still have some small tricks (fragiosos and superscoring land raiders mostly), but I feel that everything we do someone else can do better or cheaper :( and Mephi without wings is just very lackluster, I am really really sad about that.

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