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Kharn Counts As

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Hey guys,

I am currently planning a Khârn conversion for my Black Legion Lord, and was wondering

1) What is the best sized brass rod for use as the haft of a double handed axe? I have never used is before and don't really know what to order (actually it is going to be a double ended Chain Glaive devil.gif )

2) I am looking for a suitably rage fuelled head - so far looking at the FW Rampagers (which look a bit...mindless...for a Lord?) and Khârn the Bloody. Do any of you have any ideas? I am NOT looking at the FW World Eater Terminator head although it is my fave head in 40k, as I have used it as my Flesh Eaters Captain, although I may possible use it with long hair sculpted over it so as to differentiate them.

Thanks in advance smile.png

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I will pick up a couple and see, they are both good kits. Thinking of magnetizing so it needs to be robust, bouncing round my box lol.


As for a head, thinking of mildly converting one of the Chaos Marauder heads, or maybe if I can find one, off the Chaos Manticore kit (been scouring WFB)


Thanks again dude!


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