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Dark Vengeance and the Attack Force box a good start?

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I'm looking to start another army (long time Blood Angels player) and I've been looking at Dark Vengeance and the Attack Force box to get me started.


Does anyone have any thoughts about whether this would be a good place to start, and what additions I should be looking at?  I eventually want to put together a 2000pt army.



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I see Chaos has caught your eye devil.gif???

Both of those would start you off to 2000pts pretty fast. One think to keep in mind would be that the Chaos models in Dark Vengeance might be a challenge for any conversions. They are all "push fit" with some really weird parts (ie: 1 marine's shoulder trim and the top half of his head are 1 part confused.gif)

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I think chaos is kind of a 'bottom feeder' army at the moment. If this is a modelling project I would suggest you go for stuff that you think looks cool.


One thing CSM had always had over their fawning loyalist counterparts is the awesome range of conversion possibilities and customisations.

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The combination of the two forces will put you on a good start for a solid chaos army. My advice would be to buy a Heldrake and a second Rhino aswell as some extra marines, assemble the daemon engine into a Maulerfiend for it is a really good unit. An argument can be made to add a Land Raider in order to provide your terminators with some transportation... and bam, you have 2000 points of chaos marines at a budget price. Learn the ropes with them and then move on the units and playstyle you favor. Oh yes, either make the terminator lord into a sorcerer or buy an extra one, chaos psykers are really great.
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Buy a dark vengeance box, crimson slaughter and CSM codex, and Khorne Lord of Skulls as your LOW. Snip and convert the DA or just run them as fallen. That's like 2k army right there that can mess some stuff up. The helbrute + cultist formation is very nice too.

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