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Perdition War


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A mini project log for the Perdition War campaign I'll be attending on Aug the 2nd. No comp except not special characters or Allies.

I say mini lightly, Ive a full 1600 point list to paint....


Now there wont be many updates, due to painting ect but I'll try keep you guys up to speed.

My list is

[150]Librarian - Power Armour, Jump Pack, Force Sword, ML2

[230]10 Assault Marines - 2x Melta, Sarg with power Axe and Melta Bombs
[230]10 Assault Marines - 2x Melta, Sarg with power Axe and Melta Bombs

[145]Baal Predator - Heavy Bolter sponsons
[145]Baal Predator - Heavy Bolter sponsons

[175]Furioso Dred - Magna Grapple, Melta, Frag Cannon, Drop Pod

[200]Stormraven - TL Lascannon, TL Melta
[150]Vindicator - Dozer Blade

[175]Siciran Battletank - Lascannon Sponsons

So im going with a very heavy heresy theme to the force, lots of MKIV armour kit based with the Deathcompany and Sanguinary Guard kits


Ive also got the best Psyker model in 40K, with a BA twist

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Those are awesome models! Nice aggressive list too..no priests though?


Wanted to go myself, with a couple of guys from my club as a team but imperial tickets sold out way faster than we expected :(


Have you got your own team arranged or are you going for pot luck?

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There are a few guys going from my club, but most are playing the xenos. So its pot luck for me :)


No priest as I dont think they do enough at the moment, it may be my bad luck but my friends always target him first.


Anyhow more work done, and as the aim of the game here is speed


Halfords Red Primer,




followed by army painter dragon red as a highlighting colour.




Also washed all the resin bits, with a photo for completions sakes....




Exciting eh!

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Not much else going on so far. The joys of family life eh



Anyhwo, Ive built and magnetised the Siciaran.





Ive also started a test scheme for the red, the one on the left is the base spray colour, the right is with the completed red.



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It's simple.


Halfords red primer

Army painter dragon red as a zenith highlight

GW crimson wash

Army painter dragon red to touch up the highlights

Vomit brown extreme edge highlight.


The photo isn't great but it's a fast and effect way of doing it

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Crap photo time again. I promise I will get nice ones later smile.png

So far

All 20 assault marines painted....


4 Tanks base coated and resin bases started.


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As I mentioned at the top, Im going with a Heresy feel to the force. So lots of MKIV, the Siciaran, and ofcourse, the colours. The Librarian will be red too, as the blue didnt come about till after with the codex astartes.


Mostly so I can swap a few bits here n there and its now a 30K force :)

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The Libby is now done, as are both Baals. Just need tonight to finish the flyer and Im all done. That will be a full 1600 40K army painted in less then 2 weeks. Even if some weathering need to be done still. Its still a decent tabletop stndard




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