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++The Portcullis Incident++ - HH campaign prep log


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Hail Fraters,


I'm running a Horus Heresy Campaign in April of next year (details and link in my sig). One of the defining parts of the campaign pack is the fact that Primarch's and Special character's cannot be included in your army, however, any that would have a role in the campaign will be available to 'unlock' by players by undertaking certain missions over the weekend.


As such, as an organiser, I need to have painted models to represent any that could be there on hand. My intention is to use this log to gather together all the WIPs of the projects which need to be done to put the weekend on. To start with, the 'to do' list looks something like this:


-Any Primarch who has not yet turned into a daemon by the time of the campaign and could reasonably have found their way to the Bastion Subsector through the ruinstorm

-Key special characters who were either aborad during the Age of Darkness, Terra based (and thus close at hand) or able to move around using other less savoury means (Erebus I'm looking at you)

-A handful of knights errant who do not have rules or models at present (just Rubio, Garro and Varren to begin with)

-Malcador and a handful of Custodes named characters

-2 Zone Mortallis boards


This will no doubt grow as the event aprpoaches!


So far, I've started on the characters which would also find work in my IF army, so here is a WIP pic of a counts as for Sigismund and Dorn








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