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Byzant Janizars

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Starting from that image I'd say you could kitbash them from Empire handgunners either replacing their guns with lasguns (the easy option) or 40K'ing the guns they come with (the flavourful option). GS to remodel their tops into those long tunics and their shoes.

As for heads, how about dwarf ones. Space Wolf ones might be a bit too barbaric :D

Before I'd go through all that trouble of converting with GW parts I'd look into historical miniatures. The only real conversions you'd have to do would be 40k specific wargear and if you really, really want the lasrifle look, all you need is a bit of plastic rod that you can cut at an angle and put on the tip of those rifles to get the iconic muzzle.

If you keep the miniatures consistent across the whole army it won't matter either if they are slightly smaller or closer to true scale than heroic scale. Even GW and FW miniatures clash in that regard - there is a significant difference between a Cadian, DKoK trooper and Elysian.


You could also have a look at the miniatures from Meridian Miniatures, the sculptor kickstartered a range of steampunky soldiers a while back (which are still available through his blog if I'm not mistaken). You could chose between two body types and 40 different heads inspired by historical uniforms, so while not a perfect fit these would come pretty close. It would probably be easy to convert to a 100% match (the trenchcoat bodies with tall hats would just require the flap at the back of the hat to be add - and mustaches on the faces without gasmasks).


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