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The Legend of the Shards of Adregnen


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Ok this is a little different to the normal fanfiction and could be called experimental as the main characters of the stories aren't people but generally the shards themselves. The first part is the legend of the shards so things generally have been blown out of proportion with time and they do have 10,000 years to rack up with history. But generally this is broken down into 3 parts

Part A - A Epic historical prospective for each of the shards

Part B - A few short stories involving the shards

Part C - An epic about the shards (which will be written when I get around to it and worked out little details .... like a plot biggrin.png )

Let me know what you think but be warned it is a little different and takes inspiration from Shadowbane and movies like Seven Swords but we'll see how it goes

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'A shard can change a battle, two shards clashing will end a war, three shards is the stuff of legends, start to prey if you see more'
- Proverb in the Selocian Hives
It began with the finding of the Mechanicus Ark Universal Truth. The great Mechanicus vessel was found shortly before the Astropath Wars. Making information all but impossible to come across for the Inquisition have all but erased all records of that time and event, but only two things are known about the founding the Universal Truth . Firstly with its main hold stood twelve swords of unimaginable beauty made from an alloy that has never been seen or replicated since, and all hold the makers mark of Adrengen.
Adrengen along with McGown, Land and Xel'nogroth'zer is one of the most celebrated names in all the Mechanicus, for there has never been a greater sword smith all the history of the Mechanicus. It is said that he forged the sword of Lord Commander Militant Humanities Will and that each of the Emperors sons was gifted with one of his blades when they rejoined their father. However for all his great and legendary skill there are only thirteen known examples of his work that made it through the turbulent history of the Imperium. One is an apprentice piece that hangs in the office of the Fabricator-General and the other twelve are the weapons found on the Universal Truth called the twelve shards of Adrengen, which are said to haunt the Gorosan Rift now.
The rift is a region made up of eighteen sectors in that straddles the Segmentum Tempestus and the Ultima Segmentum boarders the Ghoul stars and all the way to the Draven Expanse. Made up of hundreds worlds not only of the Imperium but of Xenos that hide in the depths of the Rift and have eluded eradication over the millennia including several Ork Hordes and the Eldar craftworld Veltha, but through the countless wars in the region these mythical blades have been known to change the tide of the battle and usually disappear again to become myth and legend, but these blades have not always fought for the Emperors cause. One has been bound with the essence of a deamon and several have been wielded by heretics in the past. Even Xenos know and respect these blades. And it is for this that the history of the Gorosan Rift is littered with tales of the clashing of shards as these blades have clashed against their brother and the results have forged legends or ended them but the duels are devastating and are the stuff of legend. It is said that the duel between the great blade of the Gatebreaker and The Unmaker broke the battleship Glory to the Blood God[i/i] during the battle of Gethsenani or the duel between The Unstoppable Blade and the Angelus Grace at the crystal palace of Vercron VII, which ended a crusade before it even began.
But these names mean nothing to you yet and each blade is a legend in its own each with its own bloody history. All these blades are rightly worthy to be wielded by any of the greatest heroes of the Imperium and all go by many names. Only those that true study the history of the Shards know their true names the names they designated with upon the Universal Truth, but it is the deeds of these blades not their names that make them.

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