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WIP: Sanguinary Priest in Terminator Armor

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Good stuff. Clean painting. Did you use parts from the grey Knights termies?


Deathwing box actually.



Nice work, I prefer him without the big lamp. If you are bothered about the Storm Bolter, then swap it for a Power Weapon - I am pretty sure as per Codex:BA that is all they are allowed anyway.


I will try giving him a sword since termie armor upgrade actually comes with a power weapon. The storm bolter might create problems during games.

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You did all that, that fast?  Damn I'm slow...


Anyway, like others said, very clean and tidy work.  I wouldn't go with a lamp, though.  Any more techno gubs and he'll start looking like a techmarine, white paintjob or no.  Besides all those optics on his head should more than make up for a missing flashlight ;)

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I like the red, very nice

Was it difficult to do?

I use an airbrush for base coats so not really. smile.png

You did all that, that fast? Damn I'm slow...

I wouldn't go with a lamp, though. Any more techno gubs and he'll start looking like a techmarine, white paintjob or no.

Couldn't help myself...

Completely finished now, base and all. Waiting to be varnished.





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