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Elyrian Lions - A different take on marines.

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Some time ago, here on B&C I came across a chapter creation thread started by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. Following it over the weeks I felt inspired and decided to finally put all the ideas, mental notes and concepts ( fluff and other ) that I have been keeping in my personal memory banks (brain) into physical form. Ideas for my own, DIY chapter. The Elyrian Lions. Even tho I've had the army for years now, (painted up and converted... for the most part), there was always something keeping me too busy to simply sit down and write it all down somewhere. I have established 90% of the background a long time ago. Same goes for the color scheme and all the technical details. But for some reason I could never turn it into the real thing.. So now, as a starting point, I give you the first "teaser" of the Elyrian Lions.

I will be posting regular updates of background info + pics of miniatures and art.

For now, the general concept behind the creation of this chapter:
( it will all be updated into full narrative style in a day or two )

The Elyrian Lions are Salamanders successors and specialist jungle fighters. They wear camo - both on their armor as well as on vehicles -, use guerrilla tactics and are all about being practical and efficient. Rituals, prayers etc. etc. They see it as a waste of time. Instead they'd rather focus on training. Their loyalty is to Humanity and the ideals of the Emperor. Nothing more, nothing less.No religious overdose. No mysticism. No robes, knights etc. They act more like the Legions from the Great Crusade. To them the Emperor isn't really a god. He's a symbol. An ideal. The perfect Leader and warrior.

"We are the clouds in the sky, we are the storm and the tides.
 We are the wind and the rain, the sun and the moon and the end of all time.


 We are the bringers of the new world order, we are the soldiers, the legion of light!
 We are the hunters, the death of the stars, fire and flame, we are one!"



Sounds interesting. Do you have an idea for the motive to adopt camouflage permanently? I know there is codex-approved camo-schemes but I believe they are applied based on the mission, if they are deemed necessary. Regardless, I'd like to see where you go with this.

Sounds interesting. Do you have an idea for the motive to adopt camouflage permanently? I know there is codex-approved camo-schemes but I believe they are applied based on the mission, if they are deemed necessary. Regardless, I'd like to see where you go with this.

Thanks. Fluff wise they adapt a camo pattern most suited for the warzone they're operating in ( They preffer the logical and practical approach as opposed to the common "pride in colors" tendencies of most chapters). Painting wise I'm making them in the custom jungle camo from their homeworld, since they are meant to be jungle / forest fighting specialists. I will be posting the first pics in some 30 minutes ;)

Here's the first bunch of pics.
Scout squad Arlon with their Land Speeder Storm transport.
I know they're not perfect and the pics could have been better quality, but I don't have a professional camera or lighting, so sorry to all the perfectionists ^^:
Comments and critic are welcome smile.png

Camo rules, love the guys fast roping from the LSS.  Graffiti as well, how Rogue Trader, I hope all your marines are going to be beakies.

LOL. Thanks :) But sadly no, I have only a few Corvus helmets in ym army ^^: But it's mostly because fluff wise they are a pretty young chapter.


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