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Aspiring Champion Datasheet?

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For the homebrewers in the audience, he does make a decent starting point for reverse engineering such a character.


If we call his cleaver rule equivalent to champions of chaos, disregard his rage as a special character bonus, and then remove points for his equipment, he would imply a base cost of 40 points for a two wound aspiring champion independent character with bolt pistol, bolter, ccwep, power armor, frag and krak. To fit with our other ind chars, i'd drop his bolter, maybe between that and rage round him down to 35 points, and give him armoury access for melee and ranged weapons, daemonic gifts, and marks. No artifacts or specialist gear apart from meltabombs, plus the lord's terminator armor option and vets option at the same cost. Make him 3 per slot elites for codex csm, 1 per slot hq for renegades & heretics?

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