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3rd edition models

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So I've been thinking about a new army and I'd like to use the old sprue style models for their basic pieces eschewing all the heraldry of the divided codex marines (ba, da) and the new single piece snap-on models. Does anyone know an online store or rogue trader that would have horded all the old 3rd edition sm boxes?


And don't say ebay, because I'm not an idiot.



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What's wrong with the new Tactical box or other new non-Codex: Space Marine sprues? You actually get a wider range of armor marks and bits (all but Mk2&3) that fits the "ancient armor" aesthetic of Marines better than we ever have in the old kits.


I've seen a couple of ancient boxes here or there in different FLGSs around the US, but I don't know anyone that deals specifically in old kits, sorry. 3rd Edition plastics are going to take a fair bit of hunting to find.

I'm kicking around a full fledged Fallen DA chaos marine army, but at the very least I want to do a chosen retinue. I haven't checked the new boxes: I lost all my 40k models back in November and left it behind, focusing my money on moving to Korea. I know I'm going to have to buy numerous sprue styles, and I assumed GW was moving toward idiot-proofing all their models, like the box sets and finecast

What exactly is it about the 3rd edition models that you're looking for?


I mean - the new Tac boxes are not Chapter specific and have MK VI, VII.


And, ForgeWorld has non Chapter specific MK II, MK III, MK IV, MK V, MK VI (though I realize its expensive - but its always available).

What exactly is it about the 3rd edition models that you're looking for?


I mean - the new Tac boxes are not Chapter specific and have MK VI, VII.


And, ForgeWorld has non Chapter specific MK II, MK III, MK IV, MK V, MK VI (though I realize its expensive - but its always available).


I think he assumed all the new boxes were push-fit monopose stuff.  You can see the sprues in GW's online store.  In terms of how a box of tacticals goes together, absolutely nothing has changed since 3rd edition.  The content (there are now more special weapons and accessories) and styles (different armor marks, better detailing) have changed, but the way things are assembled has not.




Legs, chest front + chest back, backpack, head, right arm, left arm, gun, pauldron, pauldron.  And, as you can see, no heraldry molded onto the basic tactical marines.


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