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I play both Khorne Bezerkers and Plague Marines, with a smattering of daemons. I have been playing Plague Marines since 4th edition, and Khorne Bezerkers since 6th.

I have recently come across a player who uses Grey Knights / Space Marine allies. He's fun to play against, but he has adopted a strategy which is killing me. He has been giving me a hard time by using 3 Nemisis Dreadknights, a Stormraven, and Gun Servitors with Multi-Meltas in a Chimera. This combination has been brutal.

Any ideas on how I can handle the Dreadknights?

Thanks in advance. my Chaotic brethren. thanks.gif

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Coming from a loyalist who faces multiple Dreadknights on a regular basis, the best strategy I found to deal with them was to throw 2 different units with multiple AP2 attacks and invulnerable saves at one in close combat. Power Fists are preferable !

He doesn't have many attacks, and will have to divide the attacks between each unit, drastically increasing the chances of survival of each. He will most likely choose to focus on one unit while the other smashes it. As an example, I used both a Chapter Master and a Captain with Power Fists and he did not like that !

Alternatively, you can handle him effectively by tarpitting him and whittling him down with Krak Grenades. In Close Combat, Dreadknights will generally have trouble killing 5 Marines a turn because he is meant to go after big things in CC. That way, you can throw multiple small squads turn after turn, or a big blob squad. If you have cultists with a Dark Apostle with a Power Fist, that's what I'd do msn-wink.gif You need to make your unit Fearless however to get the most of the tarpit and not get caught in Sweeping Advances !

Dreadknights fear the weight of numbers and power fists. You can have a few of your units equipped above acting as a Dreadknight detterrent to shield your force. If he's a smart player, he'll avoid them. If he feels confident and gets too close, he'll regret it after a few turns.

EDIT : In addition, I'm not sure they are Characters anymore so I don't think they can challenge. Your Aspiring AP2 weapons that are Unwieldy should work better now ;)

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There is also the option of Helbrutes with lasher tendrils and a multimelta/plasma cannon. The tendrils reduce by d3 the Dreadknight AC so this shuts a lot of their returning attacks. With the Mayhem Pack you can deep strike them nearby, shoot them and either charge or be charged in the next turn. This formation also has a nice synergy with an assault army since it can also act as an distraction.
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I've been using MoN Spawn to tarpit just about everything lately, they're fast and can get into position quickly. Ā Combined with a few of the other suggestions above, you could swamp them with Spawn and then hit them with fists from a bike squad or maybe a Raptor unit.

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I've been using MoN Spawn to tarpit just about everything lately, they're fast and can get into position quickly. Ā Combined with a few of the other suggestions above, you could swamp them with Spawn and then hit them with fists from a bike squad or maybe a Raptor unit.

Don't they have force weapons though? Seems spawn would be better used somewhere else instead of getting FW'd.


What about a juggerlord with AoBF?Ā  Maulers with lasher tendrils. Plasma chosen. Lots of ways.

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Can you attack a dreadknight with Krak in close combat? I was under the impression that since he has a T value and not FSR Armor, that menas you can't use Kraks on him in close combat.


Am I getting that wrong?

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Can you attack a dreadknight with Krak in close combat? I was under the impression that since he has a T value and not FSR Armor, that menas you can't use Kraks on him in close combat.


Am I getting that wrong?


Yep. Ā You can attack with 1 Krak grenade per guy (and any melta bombs-but at i1 and only 1 attack per guy with melta bombs)


There was a bitchy post I made a couple of months back about my Khorne beserkers turning into Firewarriors in close combat against Wraith Knights and Wraith Lords-that's essentially what I meant (only getting 1 attack that wounds the target on a 5-6, that's very Firewarrior-esque)


But...with the new Challenge Rules, you get the initial charge worth of s5 attacks rolling in on them that they can't dodge because of being in a challenge (if they're still characters) which was my biggest complaint about dealing with them. Ā Now they take what their owed (unless there's multiple targets in the combat-then you have to attack something besides the Character Monstrous creature).


My answer has been MoT spawn (always have an Invulnerable save, and the stuff I send them against will wound them on a 2+ anyways regardless of their toughness). Ā But Dredknights are s10 with the sword (...presumably with the ForceĀ Doom Fists too) So the Crutch God's mark may come in handy afterall.


I'm building a unit currently that I hope will be of some use against stuff like these-2 Jugger Lords with Power Fists and Lightning claws and the 4+ invulerable save. Ā They run behind the Nurgle/Tzeentch spawn and then hit afterwards, with 7 Powerfist attacks each (or Lightning Claws attacks with SHRED) Ā They are in a separate Detachment with 2 units of cultists as troops. Ā Not going to be any derping rolling 1's and dying to Daemon weapon seppuku, and besides, I run Crimson Slaughter, so no Daemon Weapon.


It might be overkill. Ā Those bastards deserve to be overkilled.

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Overkill is just making sure the job is and can be done !


Can you attack a dreadknight with Krak in close combat? I was under the impression that since he has a T value and not FSR Armor, that menas you can't use Kraks on him in close combat.


Am I getting that wrong?


Dreadknights are Monstruous Creatures (evil giant baby carriers !), so yes Krak Grenades can be used ! :) Basically, you switch all the attacks of a model for 1 Krak Grenade, like against vehicles.


The great thing is that you attack at base initiative. Like Trevak said, melta bombs are interesting too, but you attack at I1 like a Power Fist. If you attack at I1 against Monstruous Creatures, the Power Fist is better because you're likely to have at least 2 attacks !


You can attack a DK with Krak Grenades, but I wouldn't only recommend it if you have a Power Fist in the squad as well. Krak are AP4, so they won't do much against him.

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I'm building a unit currently that I hope will be of some use against stuff like these-2 Jugger Lords with Power Fists and Lightning claws and the 4+ invulerable save. Ā They run behind the Nurgle/Tzeentch spawn and then hit afterwards, with 7 Powerfist attacks each (or Lightning Claws attacks with SHRED)


Does he just call challange and kills the t5 HQ with his re-roll on hit and wound str 10 force weapon, if you do that. With all the excess wounds going over in to the spawn/other lord ?

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Dealing with big tough things should be done by cheap and expendable units. Why? Cost-effect strategy. A Helbrute is tooled up around 120 points, same can be said for blobs to tie the dreadknight. There is no need to kill them, the important thing is to stop them in their tracks. If all those high strength attacks are spend on cultist fodder than you have effectively shut down the unit for several turns (the Helcult formation comes to mind for cheap Fearless Cultists and a Helbrute to inflict some wounds), also try using some poison things, daemonette or plaguebearer allies, in short, everything that is cheap to knock big things. Never use an expensive unit to kill another expensive unit.Ā 

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Thanks for the advice.


Lash whips take away 1 A right? I just worry that his S10 Doomfist will kill the Maulerfiend and the Maulerfiend won't be able to inflict enough wounds (I hate that the Dreadknight is wounds and not armor).


I have tried Plaguebearers, but they get shot up as they advance on the Dreadknights.


Khorne Bezerkers are I4, while Plaguemarines are I3, which means the Dreadknight can clobber the PMs before they hit, but the Bezerkers will get simultaneous.


It just seems like every time I think I've figured it out, he pulls another one (Stormraven, Centurions) which ends up saving the Dreadknights and allowing them to wreak havoc on me.


Any other ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Thanks for the advice.


Lash whips take away 1 A right? I just worry that his S10 Doomfist will kill the Maulerfiend and the Maulerfiend won't be able to inflict enough wounds (I hate that the Dreadknight is wounds and not armor)!

Yup, but you get two sets for -2 attacks. Just gang up two maulers if you are worried.

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Daemon allies, specifically daemonettes would make short work of dreadknights.


I'm just curious- daemonettes have low strength- how could they wound a Dreadknight?



can you take the 40k approved forgeworld units?


What units would those be? I have a few FW things, but not a Brass Scorpion or anything like that.

Have you considered allies? because dark elder dakkaboats will make short work of pretty much any monstrous creature. And they are dirt cheap.


I do have DE as a matter of fact. I was trying to go pure Chaos, but maybe a few Dark Lances and Blasters will do the trick.

And one more question- can a GK Purgation squad go in an Inquisitorial Chimera?


He loads them in there, moves them into good position, and gets lots of shots off. I just wasn't sure of GK could fit in a Chimera...

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I think Demon Princes, ironically enough, work fine against Dreadknights. A bunch of monstrous creature AP2 attacks, maybe with the Black Mace giving the extra D6 attacks and Fleshbane makes them pretty ideal for hunting dreadknights, IMO. Of course, you gotta be sure to kill him (which he should) before the DK swings back otherwise it's the Instant Death lunch special... tongue.png

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What about vector striking it down, for instanceĀ a bloodthirster could just fly around over it and hit it with the lash. Meanwhile just run your heldrakes over it while they shoot at other stuff. Just don't land your monstrous creatures until it is dead. Belakor might be of note. Use him to either invisibility a unit to deal with it, or just have him fly around being awesome while he vector strikes it repeatedly.

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