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Some of the oldest tricks in the book tend to work for dreadknights; at the end of the day, it's a really high quality but low volume of attacks, which lends itself to being tied up the whole game by essentially worthless, but high volumed, units. Cultists, zombies, even generic marines tend to work fine for this, especially if you only spend a fraction of the points to tie a 235 DK up for 2+ turns/the whole game.

Alternatively, though I haven't tried it, I would maybe try out a maulerfiend in this situation, since his powerfists and magma cutters could be a bad day for the Dreadknight. Even if they both killed each other at I4, the mauler runs 125 (roughly half that of a dreadknight with incinerator and teleporter). I still stand by the Black Mace prince being good at dealing with them as well tongue.png Goodluck! Don't let Codex naysayers get you down. Playing that list with yours will inherently make you better at dealing with his heavy hitters anyways! smile.png

The Mauler is I3, so that means the Dreadknight goes first. Granted, I didn't take lashers, but that means he goes first with 4 attacks with his doomfist and the sword that allows him to re-roll all misses...

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It changed with the Astra Militarum book, but I am not sure if chimera's in all other books changed to match or not. You will need to check the faqs.



Whether it has or no, if people are going to refuse to let me play with 130 point Vendettas in my Elysian list, they can hang if they don't want to apply the same reasoning to Inquisitorial Chimeras.

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