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Pest Control - Need advice !


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Fellow Brother Captains,


On Tuesday is set my first ever battle against the Tyranid Horde for a 1500 points game. I've never faced this foe before, and although I've watched many batreps (most notably from MiniWarGaming and Striking Scorpion that regularly feature Tyranids), it's nothing like facing them on the table !


What should I be worried about ? What should I do ? What should I do not ?


Tyranids seem to have a very large army selection, so I'm a bit concerned that I will not know what the enemy will bring. He knows I will be bringing Space Marines however, and I will play the list you can see in this post (last post by me in this topic : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/293607-2000-points-ultramarines-cato/?p=3750721 ).


I have no idea what he will bring however, the following units have me on edge :

- Mawlocs

- Flying Hive Tyrant with Twin Linked Devourers

- Venomthropes


Any tactical advice is appreciated ! :D

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From a thread further down the tactica forum.....




Some great advice from knife & fork there, i'd start with that :) Maybe PM him for more specific advice?


Sternguard or grav in any form are better for killing monsters than plasm


a. As are predators, devastators or flyers who also have the benefit of staying outside of charge + shooting range for longer. 


Removing synapse isn't actually what I consider top priority when fighting nids. Not sure what he brings for those 750 matches but here's how I beat them:


Kill the Tervigon(s)

Kill the various flying monsters

By this point you will have taken away a lot of his firepower, his ability to generate scoring units and his synapse grid. Target priority is now decided by going for quick wipe if possible or to maximize your scoring for the last turns. 

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Thanks, I've read the thread, but I'm wondering also about the non synapse creatures. :)


In any case, the battle has been moved to Thursday, so there are 48 more hours to prepare !

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The following things will guarantee success:


1:Sternguard or Command Squad in a drop pod, plasma weapons. You can drop in to kill a high profile monster early on and give yourself a mental edge.


2: Flyers - Stormraven with hurricane Bolters, Stormtalons. Tyranids find these hard to deal with.


3: Grav Centurions in a Landraider. This is an expensive unit, but Tyranids find it hard to break open the Landraider and your opponent will cower in fear and think twice about charging his Monstrous Creatures forward. The grav centurions can kill any MC in a single turn of shooting, cover or no cover. The hurricane Bolters are also good against the smaller critters.


4: Pie Plates - Vindicators, Whirlwinds, Thunder Fire Cannons.

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Thanks, I've read the thread, but I'm wondering also about the non synapse creatures. smile.png

Kill the Tervigon(s)

Kill the various flying monsters

By this point you will have taken away a lot of his firepower, his ability to generate scoring units and his synapse grid. Target priority is now decided by going for quick wipe if possible or to maximize your scoring for the last turns.

It's all there, that's how you win over nids. Shoot the big ones with heavy fire power, in that general order.

Just apply some common sense so you don't waste shots on a unit in very good cover or fail to address an imminent threat.

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