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Blood Angels vs Space Wolves/Eldar


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The 40k bug has bit again with the release of the new rules and I'm reporting my first battle with the new rules. We decided to play 1000 points and a Maelstrom of War scenario. I have played against this acquaintance before and he solely owned Space Wolves at that time so I was surprised when he announced he was using Eldar allies. Not sure under what twisted machinations the Blood Angels ended up in this battle, but they were determined to win!


Order of the Chalice - Blood Angels Successor Chapter



5 Death Company with Bolters and Power Weapon in Razorback (TL-AC)

10 Assault Squad Alpha with Power Fist and 2 Meltaguns and Jump Packs

10 Assault Squad Beta with Power Weapon and Meltabombs and Jump Packs

Sanguinary Priest with Power Weapon and Storm Bolter and Jump Pack

"Dakka" Predator with Autocannon and Heavy Bolters


Space Wolves and Eldar


Rune Priest

Farseer on Jetbike

2 Warlocks on Jetbikes

Warlock on foot

Lone Wolf and 2 Wolves

5 Grey Hunters with Rune Priest

5 Grey Hunters in Lazorback

5 Dire Avengers

10 Guardians and Bright Lance

Razorback with TL-LC

Wave Serpent


We rolled Tactical Escalation for the scenario and placed our objectives and terrain. Oddly the objectives formed a pentagram, perhaps foreboding the chaotic influence of the battle causing brother to fight brother. He won initiative and I was unable to steal. I deployed a strong castle with my vehicles in the furthest corner and held one squad in reserve. He spread out along his table edge.


Round 1




He moved his Razorback and Serpent forward. His Lone Wolf also runs forward straight toward my force in desperate attempts to be killed. He reveals his objective near his deployment zone. He is not in range to fire. We played the table the long way which provided a good buffer between forces.




Both of my vehicles push forward with their fast engines. Alpha Squad moves up behind the tanks along with the Sanguinary Priest. Unleashing all my ballistic might on his Lone Wolf and wolves they are splattered across the battlefield in a gory mess. (He later realized that he didn't roll his saves correctly.)


Round 2




Again his two vehicles move further up his flanks. His TL-LC misses miserably while his Serpent drops off his Dire Avengers on another objective and takes a hull point off my Predator. He also buffs up most of his squads. Every turn he spent a good five to ten minutes casting psychic spells while I only had three or four dispel dice available most of the time.




I roll for my reserves and get Beta Squad on the board. They drop directly behind his Guardians with incredible precision, both direct hits. They are also combat squad separated and fire at the Guardians upon landing and kill two. The TL-AC from the Razorback shoots at his Farseer and Warlocks on their jetbikes and kills one.


Round 3




He releases his Grey Hunters in the Razorback and drops both hunter squads back to intercept Beta Squad. His Warlocks also drop back to their deployment zone. His Rune Priest botches a buff cast and nearly gets himself and his whole squad sucked into the Warp. His Wave Serpent destroys the Predator.




Squad Beta assaults the Guardians and kill five. They fail their morale and get away without being sweeped. Also Squad One assaults the Serpent and the Power Fist destroys the Serpent which explodes and kills two marines even with Feel No Pain.


Round 4




Under concentrated attack Squad Beta is destroyed in whole by the Guardians and Grey Hunters with their Rune Priest. His Lazorback continues to miss with every shot but pushes onto another objective.




Finally the Reclusiarch and his Death Company leave the Razorback and unleash bolter fire on the Grey Hunters which dropped back previously (2 die). Part one of Alpha Squad wipes out his Dire Avengers and claim an objective. The second part of Alpha Squad jumps behind his Lazorback and destroy it with their meltagun. It explodes, but doesn't damage any of the marines. The Razorback TL-AC kills his Farseer.


Round 5




His Guardians destroy my Razorback while his Grey Hunters shoot my DC to no effect.




My DC assault and wipe out his first Grey Hunter squad.


We roll for the next round and the game ends. Unfortunately the two warlords did not get to battle, but it was a fun game overall. We both had balanced armies and equally had bad dice rolls. My DC didn't get into the action early enough or else they could have caused more harm. My TL-AC was clearly worth it's weight in gold.


The final score was 8 for Space Wolves and Eldars while I scored 9 points. It was a close game throughout and thoroughly fun! The new rules are familiar yet somehow funner and with less shenanigans.


Thanks for reading through my battle report!

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