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That new SW flyer!


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  I mean they are saying this thing is a flyer. The least they could do is to put some wings on it instead of dog ears. Shame because I kinda got excited when I heard the news. Oh well.



It has a beefy grav plate under the fuselage.  The wings are only there as control surfaces, not to provide lift. 

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So it's a skimmer?


Yeah, like the Caestus. It just packs enough thrust to move as a flyer on the table top. 


EDIT: It also looks like there's additional thrusters in the rear behind the grav plate. So as far as the imperial kits go it looks like the most airworthy one to date.

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The Caestus is Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport, Tank*).

Every vehicle is a vehicle? 


Both the Caestus and Stormclaw are technically flyers in the game, but neither of them are craft design for atmospheric flight like a traditional, real world airplane. They are both examples of skimmers with beefy engines to provide forward thrust. 


From a fluff perspective this makes sense as Imperial (space marines in particular) forces are expected to fight in a number of different conditions. Having craft that rely on lift/thrust ratios that work in earth-type atmospheres would make them unusable elsewhere. 

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I copied out it's unit type.


A Land Speeder is Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer) and I was wondering if these new fliers were actually skimmers or not. Would be very interesting if they were.


They can hover just like all the other SM flyers. 


Stormwolf - Fast Attack - Points = Land Raider minus 35

BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)



Twin-linked helfrost cannon

Twin-linked lascannon

Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20pts

Ceramite Plating


Special Rules:

Assault Vehicle

Power of the Machine Spirit



Transport Capacity - sixteen models

Fire Points - none

Access Points - One ramp at the front of the hull



Stormfang Gunship - Heavy Support - Points = Land Raider minus 30

BS4 - F12 S12 R12 HP3 - Vehicle (Flyer, Hover Transport)



Helfrost destructor

Two twin-linked heavy bolters - May be replaced with a Skyhammer launcher for free, or two twin-linked multi-meltas for 20 pts

Two Stormstrike missiles - May be replaced with a twin-linked lascannon for 15 pts

Ceramite Plating


Special Rules:

Power of the Machine Spirit



Transport Capacity - six models

Fire Points - none

Access Points - One at rear of the hull


Helfrost cannon

dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Blast

focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost


Helfrost destructor

dispersed - R24" S6 AP3 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Large Blast

focussed - R24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Helfrost, Lance


Helfrost - If a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate Strength test for each wound suffered or be removed from play

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It's ugly as sin but I still like it. Very "Viking barge"-y.


A little distraught that it has more potential offensive capability than storm ravens AND a slightly higher troop capacity. I am guessing the missiles are one shot only though.


Wonder if they will make storm raven hurricane bolters free upgrades in response when our time comes.

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There's no "Skies of Blood" or other jump out option. That's interesting. And the Stormraven is an assault vehicle, but from ALL four access ports. So with a Stormraven you can hover to turn and shoot something, and have guys disembark/assault out a completely different direction, whereas both versions of the Wolf Flyer only have 1 disembarkation location, so you're going to have to shoot in one direction and disembark in one direction (fore or aft). Really limits its maneuverability, in my eyes. 

But having a twin-linked multi-melta on a flyer is the thing I use the Stormraven for more than anything else. That "never" missing 2d6 penetrating 60% of the time AP1 shot is key. I run 2 Stormravens all the time, and usually only put passengers in 1 of them. I'd easily run this flyer if available as my 2nd flyer and use it as a gun boat. 


I like to alternatingly hover the Stormravens or flyers, so the hovering one goes "behind" the zooming one if they come on different turns, that way one is only being snap shotted and providing cover for the 2nd who shoots to full effect since they don't need to jink. This Wolf flyer should be good for those purposes of letting my Stormraven hover to get guys out to assault around the Wolf flyer, which is still zooming. 

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Will have to check 7th ed rules but I think with fliers you measure from the base, pretty sure. Which would offset its single disembarkation point, but still would not make it preferable as a gunship to the fire raptor IMHO. As a transport I still think the caestus pips it on AV and invul and personally the large blast twin-linked melta which suits the 'ignore cover' legend of glory very well. Would probably go for it in non-forgeworld games though.
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Ok. I guess I just thought, what with them taking the time to say access points are in some directional portion of the model, I should measure from that directional portion of the base when disembarking. It didn't matter for the Stormraven, but for Valkyries, this new Wolf flyer, etc., it might. Beardys the word! ;)

Still, the gunboat is much more interesting to me since passengers can jump out during the movement phase if needed in a Stormraven, Valkyrie, etc., to avoid interceptor fire and have more than 1 unit on the table to be shot at. With 6 transport capacity anyways, that's a HQ and a honor guard, or 5 man veteran squad of some kind - but not the primary use of the vehicle.

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The key is assault vehicle. Jumping from the raven through skies of blood denies the assault. In the case of the gunboat, which is not an assault vehicle, having to go down to skimmer to drop its cargo is a very bad deal. The storm wolf doesn't trade guns for capacity, it trades guns for capacity AND an assault ramp, which can be a demolishing gun, depending on what's inside of the ship.


However if your intention is not assaulting from it, if you're using it mostly for shooting and dropping a cheap unit on an objective, the gunboat is a lot better definitely. It'd be nice to have the same option with a raven, I use it as a gunboat most of the time meaning I'm paying extra for stuff I don't use. If I could swap the transport option for more guns, I'd do it in plenty of games.

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