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Fighting Nids!


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I was having a bit of a brain lapse yesterday and I seem to have left the Khorne lord in the list. He is meant to be a normal lord on a bike with Claw/Fist. 


Thanks for the tips on the sorcerer guys. The extra points may help me replace the marines with Plague marines/slightly better squad of normal marines. Running two Sorcs isn't a bad idea, although the lord was there to try and get a bit of extra punch in CC. I may swap a squad of bikes out for the Drake for anti - air. Put the Lord with the Spawn and Sorc with the bikes. Rush towards the enemy and destroy :D



What do you guys arm your champions with? What do you do for the bit of punch you need?

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Okay, well the Nids player turned up with a totally different list.

Flyrant w/Electrogrubs

30 Termagaunts

30 Termagaunts

Tervigon w/Electrogrubs & Crushing Claws

Tervigon w/Crushing Claws




Biovore x 1

Biovore x 2

Biovore x 2

We played Maelstrom Cleanse and Control.


I would do a proper bat-rep but I'm tired & have been playing 40k for 8 hours solid. Basically, the list did well but I just ran out of stuff by turn 6. I spent most of the game in combat with horde after horde of Gaunts which kinda suited me in a way as I could't be shot at, sadly it also meant I was tied down & grabbing objectives after turn 2/3 was left down to my Cultists and Daemonettes. The Spawn were just great, MVPs - really fast and were all in combat by turn 2, most of them died eventually though (except 3 who made Linebreaker!). The Maulerfiends were unlucky to get hit by some lucky Warp Blast rolls but they could have locked blobs of Gaunts in his side of the board, giving me control of 4/6 objectives. In fact, with so much of my army being in combat it made him drop his Flyrant out of swoop and glide so he could help out his Tervigons and Gaunts who were having a bit of a rough time in combat, this gave me the chance to start knocking wounds off it with Spawn too. The Daemonettes were 'alright', they were a touch weak in the list at T3 5++ and really suffered from the fact that I deployed them in way that banked on getting turn 1 which I had chosen (he stole which was unlucky but it was a derp on my part, plus steal the initiative sucks), so his Biovores did quite a bit of damage to them, they did get me 2 or 3 objectives though so I was happy to have them in the end.


Turn 6 it finished 11-10 to Nids. One of his VPs was the 'get a VP if all mysterious objectives are revealed' which should just say, "we ran out of ideas - here, have a VP". So it was really, really close and a cracking game.


On reflection.


Sorcerer 6/10 - Did OK and the force weapon has the opportunity to be a great against Tervigons etc, but Telepathy wiffed a bit (no invisibility and I got Dominate, Mental Fortitude and Terrify, probably the 3 worst against Nids) and I only had 3+D6 dice to his 8+D6. I might give a Lord a go again or try a Malefic Sorcerer again but add in some Horrors & Heralds to really dominate the psychic phase.


Cultisis 7/10 - Can't complain, did what they are there for. I reserved them & got them both turn 2, they grabbed a few objectives and were great cheap OS. I just wish they weren't so slow or could grab a Rhino, even a weaker APC with AV10 would be great. All in all, alright.


Bikes 6/10 - Meh. T6 is good but 1 wound is just 1 wound. They were one of the first units to die, attrition style in combat with a unit of 18 spawned Gaunts, they just don't dish out enough attacks. Plus, I was quite unlucky with my 3+ saves, but I'm starting to think that T5 with FNP (MoS) might be better… Not sure.


Spawn 9/10 - Were great, tough and durable. They grabbed early objectives for VPs and beat up so many Gaunts (he started with 60, spawned about 30-40 and had around 30 left on turn 6), I'd say they killed around 50 Gaunts in 5 turns, they even put 3 wounds (I think?) on his Flyrant so that was running around turn 6 with 1 wound. Ironically, and rather annoyingly, I kept getting the 4+ poison roll which is worse against Gaunts than the stock S5, which is a 2+ to wound! I'm toying with dropping the bikes to add 5 more of these amazing buggers.


Maulerfiends 7/10 - They could have been really great if they both didn't get a Warp Blast & lucky pen rolls in the face. One killed a Zoanthrope before it died but oh well, they have a lot of potential though.


Daemonettes 6/10 - Got hit by Biovores because he stole the initiative, that sucked. Grabbed objectives though but eventually died in combat to a blob of Gaunts. Not bad, but Horrors w/Heralds might be better for some solid shooting and extra warp charge.


Overall, it wasn't the nightmare of Skyblight and was a softer list but I actually felt that I could win (I was winning on VPs from around turn 2 until turn 4) but in the end I just didn't have enough units left by turn 6. It could have gone 10-10 or 10-9 to CSM so very easily. I'm also sure that against Skyblight I would have done okay too, one thing I learnt about Flyrants by running this list is they absolutely hate you being in combat, they're actually pretty useless if they can't shoot you and they're quite sub-par MCs in melee. My opponent had to drop his out of swooping and use it in melee and that's great, if he can't shoot me great and if he's in melee I can hurt him. His units of Gaunts were frustrating but also great places for my Spawn to 'hide' from his Flyrant, he struggled to wound them and I shudder to think how he would've dealt with them if they were invisible too! I definitely think the way we beat Nids is by slamming into them with as much fast, melee orientated stuff as we can; don't bother trying to do the shooting game too much or the skyfire game at all, just go hard and fast and try to chop them up.


On a side note, I played with the same CSM list against a Knight Commander Pask IG list with2 Hydras (wasted, lol!), Vets, and a Valk & a Vendetta and I tabled it, 5-0 by turn 4. His face was classic when my Spawn & Maulers moved up 12"+D6 run & were in combat on turn 2. Though, his Punishers buffed by Pask utterly murdered the Spawn throughout the game. It was the Maulerfiends turn to step up. They were brutal and took out all of his tanks by turn 4, one Maulerfiend even took out all 3 Russes in Pask's squadron in 2 turns, hanging in there with 1 hull point! MVP to Maulerfiends in that game by far!


Right, I hope some of that has helped, I'm off to bed for 10 hours.




Edit: Tzen, I know what you mean. I also felt that the Sorcerer could have been better replaced with a tooled up Lord, the problem is you need invulnerable saves on him, a 3+ or a 2+ isn't that great as you need him to go heads up with stuff with AP2. If taking 2 HQs I'd run dual Lords or dual Sorcerers, one of each is a bit… dilute.


I don't run CSMs other than CSMs on bikes & my Sorcerer or Possessed but on basic CSM squads I'd keep champs cheap. Melta bombs are handy. It's really down to the load out of the unit & what you face (ie power weapon/claw on MoS is okay). Mostly they're not going to do much killing, tbh I think the black mace Nurgle DP is about as killy as CSM get... We don't really have any 'punch', in some groups a tooled up axe Lord can do really well, others it might struggle, it's just so situational.

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I know what you mean about the bikes. I just don't get the glory role out of them I used to back when the codex came out. I don't know if it's because of 7th edition, or perhaps how the other codexes have changed. Without a Bike HQ, I've stopped taking the bikers.


A table next to me last night played Nids and this guy had a modest list as well, but in Maelstrom it's so easy to underestimate them until you see an additional... 20 gaunts by turn 2.


I have to get into spawn mode. I've just never been a fan of the models, nor the idea. I think that's why so many people don't actually use them. But in this codex I realize they are one of the great units.... unfortunately.


Maulerfiends: I love them. I like the model, I like how they work, but they are go big or go home units for me. They smash things up beautifully or die some pretty uneventfull deaths. 


Nids got new life in 7th/Maelstrom. It's always a lot of work. Thanks for doing a mini-bat rep.

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Okay team!


This is my final list. I toyed with two sorcerors but I took a Nurgle lord to get the Plague marine troops and the two meltas they bring.


What do we think?




+ HQ +
    * Chaos Lord (140pts) 
        (Champion of Chaos, Fearless, Independent Character)
        Bike, Mark of Nurgle
        * Power Armour 
            Lightning Claw, Power Fist
    * Sorcerer (175pts)
        (Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Psyker)
        2x Additional Mastery Level, Bike, Spell familiar
        * Power Armour 
            Burning Brand of Skalanthrax
+ Troops +
    * Plague Marines (Troops) (175pts) 
        (Fearless, Feel No Pain, Mark of Nurgle)
        2x Meltagun, 4x Plague Marine
        * Chaos Rhino 
            Combi-bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launchers
        * Plague Champion
            Bolt Pistol, CCW
    * Plague Marines (Troops) (175pts) 
        (Fearless, Feel No Pain, Mark of Nurgle)
        2x Meltagun, 4x Plague Marine
        * Chaos Rhino
            Combi-bolter, Searchlight, Smoke launchers
        * Plague Champion
            Bolt Pistol, CCW
+ Fast Attack + 
    * Chaos Bikers (192pts) 
        5x Chaos Biker, Mark of Nurgle, 2x Meltagun, Veteran of the Long War
        * Chaos Biker Champion
            (Champion of Chaos)
            Bolt Pistol, CCW
    * Chaos Bikers (192pts) 
        5x Chaos Biker, Mark of Nurgle, 2x Meltagun, Veteran of the Long War
        * Chaos Biker Champion
            (Champion of Chaos)
            Bolt Pistol, CCW
    * Chaos Spawn (180pts) 
        (Fear, Fearless, Mutated Beyond Reason, Rage, Random Attacks, Very Bulky)
        Mark of Nurgle, 5x Spawn
+ Heavy Support +
    * Maulerfiend (135pts) 
        (Daemon, Daemonforge, Fleet, It Will Not Die, Move Through Cover, Siege Crawler)
        Lasher tendrils
    * Maulerfiend (135pts) 
        (Daemon, Daemonforge, Fleet, It Will Not Die, Move Through Cover, Siege Crawler)
        Lasher tendrils 



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