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...because come August 1st, it's time for another challenge....



Grotsmasha's Conversion Challenge 6: 

Relics of War


This Challenge is all about Walkers, the following are viable entries;

  • Sentinals =>  into DIY "Special" Sentinal varient 
  • Dreadnoughts => into a Venerable Dreadnought
  • Contemptors => into Relic or Chapter Specific Contemptor
  • Helbrute/Defiler/Soul Grinder/Mauler Fiend => into Khorne/Nurgle/Slaanesh/Tzeench alligned models
  • Imperial Knights => into a Warlord or Chaos-Alligned model

If I've forgotten any walkers let me know and I'll be sure to include them in the Sign-Up thread.






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Hmm... I may be tempted to do a 13th company style Bjorn conversion sometime soon... Especially if the rumour of a new Space Wolves dreadnought turns out to be true.


Just to check... is the aim to present a completed (painted) model, or a picture at the "assembly complete but lacking paint" stage, or a progress log, or... ?


I quite enjoy playing around with modelling when it comes to dreadnoughts, so this should be a good challenge for me to get involved in.

Hmm... I may be tempted to do a 13th company style Bjorn conversion sometime soon... Especially if the rumour of a new Space Wolves dreadnought turns out to be true.


Just to check... is the aim to present a completed (painted) model, or a picture at the "assembly complete but lacking paint" stage, or a progress log, or... ?


I quite enjoy playing around with modelling when it comes to dreadnoughts, so this should be a good challenge for me to get involved in.

SSounds good :tu:  and the finished entry should be (mostly) unpainted. There is a Conversation Challenge thread in the HoH where painted "challenge" models can be posted after the challenge.




Is part painted allowed? I have a Helbrute conversion done but it only has the undercoat/base coat on it at the moment.

Should be ok, as long as the conversions are clearly visable there won't be an issue.

I have a walker conversion in mind but I'm not sure what end rules will be used. Maybe a dreadnought into a Contemptor or even a daemon prince? What kind of leeway can I get for an unusual concept?

As the Challenge is more about Rule of Cool rather that WYSIWYG game-legal, as long as the finished model can be shoe-horned into one of the viable entries it'll be A-Ok thumbsup.gif

I got an old metal Chaos Dread I've been wanting to turn into a Venerable Dread to finish up my IW Dreadnought Talon.

I might jump on this.

I think everyone would look forward to seeing this.....



How long is this running for? If it's longer than a month, I'm sorely tempted to get a new Contemptor for my Steel Wings smile.png

Was only planning on one month, but if a few people would like it to be two months I've no problem extending it.

How long is this running for? If it's longer than a month, I'm sorely tempted to get a new Contemptor for my Steel Wings smile.png

Was only planning on one month, but if a few people would like it to be two months I've no problem extending it.

Well I don't know how over the top one can make a dreadnought for a conversion challenge; but I seem to recall you saying something or other about a future tanks conversion challenge. That is one for sure that is going to need more than a month for work I'd imagine.

How long is this running for? If it's longer than a month, I'm sorely tempted to get a new Contemptor for my Steel Wings smile.png

Was only planning on one month, but if a few people would like it to be two months I've no problem extending it.

Well I don't know how over the top one can make a dreadnought for a conversion challenge; but I seem to recall you saying something or other about a future tanks conversion challenge. That is one for sure that is going to need more than a month for work I'd imagine.

Yep, tanks will close out this year and I've two months planned for that one.



Damn I've lost the motivation but it's tempting


Oh boo-fething-hoo! Get off your arse, marine, and get back into the fight!


I might just have to jump in on this one, since I had a Life Attack during the tech marine contest.

Damn I've lost the motivation but it's tempting


I find retracing my steps when I've lost something works wonders..... Maybe it fell out of your pocket and rolled under your bed or couch, either way, it'll turn up ;)





That is very cool, I can just imagine that marine rocking out to Highway to Hell while smashing face :tu:


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