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A Butcher's work - Heresy era World Eaters painting log


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"I have slain many enemies, and won many battles and I tell you there is no great secret to success in war, no subtle trick of strategy that has saved my foes -- I seek out the enemy, attack as soon as I am able and with all the force at my command, rend his soldiers and smash his fortresses, leave only corpses behind me and then move on -- thus my Primarch has taught me, and I find his wisdom has proved worthy on a hundred battlefields."

—Khârn "The Bloody", Eight Captain of the World Eaters Legion

Hello guys, and welcome to my painting log. I'm by no mean a professional or talented painter... but I'm a super-lazy one. So I decided to start this topic to find some motivation (and also, obviously, some nice tip!) For a start, I want to show you the models I have already finished, then I'll add my wips as my -superslow- work goes on. 10388626_10202339169423632_3688397824054

This is my version of Kargos Bloodspitter, Apothecary of Khârn's 8th company.

I used spare bits to build him: legs and body belong to a very old Chaos Raptor model, the head is a Khorne berserker's with cut off bunny ears and the Apothecary bits are from the Space Marine command squad. I don't know where exactly does the powerfist come from, but it should be a pretty standard piece. 10456116_10202339169903644_5366120789356

This is my first tactical squad (ten marines strong at the moment, but ten more are coming). 10363940_10202339169823642_9272655023709Sergeant close up. May be Gharte from Betrayer? 10547619_10202339170863668_4360461644939Legion Vexilla close up. 10473413_10202339171743690_6017098388037

And that's a Sarum campaign veteran. I'll have some of those helmets on my WE. 10551108_10202339172503709_2367754607833

And this is Tactical squad #2. They are eleven strong at the moment, four more models are soon joinin them. Sorry for the terrible pic. 10532551_10202339173863743_2413170531522

Mk III Sergeant close up 10557440_10202339174303754_3773205134716

MK III Random cool guy close up (I know, I'm a bit didascalic).

And that's all for now. I hope you won't judge them/me too harshly. tongue.png I currently have 2 apothecaries, 5 bolter marines, 4 chainsword marines and a double kheres contemptor under my brushes. Thanks for the visit smile.png

That is an amazing start buddy!


Your weathering looks great, your blues are deep and rich, and your whites are all smooth and pretty. Good job!


Two small things that I think would help with the phototaking. Try a different color of backdrop. I use a dark blue one when I'm taking pics, especially for light colored models like my World Eaters. Having a sheer white background tends to make the camera automatically dim, which causes that shadowy deal you see in a couple of the pics. Second, make sure you have a source of diffusion between the light and the model. I normally use scraps of a white t-shirt over the lamp. That keeps the glare down when photoing light colored models. 


Hope that helps, and glad to see your plog off to an awesome start. 

That is an amazing start buddy!


Your weathering looks great, your blues are deep and rich, and your whites are all smooth and pretty. Good job!


Two small things that I think would help with the phototaking. Try a different color of backdrop. I use a dark blue one when I'm taking pics, especially for light colored models like my World Eaters. Having a sheer white background tends to make the camera automatically dim, which causes that shadowy deal you see in a couple of the pics. Second, make sure you have a source of diffusion between the light and the model. I normally use scraps of a white t-shirt over the lamp. That keeps the glare down when photoing light colored models. 


Hope that helps, and glad to see your plog off to an awesome start. 


Thank you for the advice, I'll surely try it when I'm done with the next bunch of models! :)


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