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Okay, so long time stalker first time poster.

I've been a big fan of the Deathwatch for a while now, their background is cool and they're not like the other marine armies that i collect (and there's been a few of them over the years). I love painting marines but get bored very easily painting the same thing over and over, so this works out as a great project for me.


So less of the chat and on to what I'm sure you're here to see...


So Squad 1

Deathwatch Squad 1

Each squad will be given a name at some point, and they will all count as either sternguard or vanguard vets


Squad 1 pads

(left to right: Red Scorpion, Ultramarine, Templar of Terra, Space Wolf, Blood Angel)


Sgt Gabriel (Blood Angel)

Brother Gabriel


Wolf Brother Bjorn (Space Wolf)

Brother Bjorn


Brother Jacob (Ultramarine 4th company)

Brother Jacob


Brother Angelo (Red Scorpion)

Brother Angelo

Brother Kristoff (Templar of Terra)

Brother Kristoff


I've started on squad 2 but I'll wait and put up wip pics when they are a bit further along. C&C welcome and thanks for looking

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 Are the Templars of Terra your own DIY Chapter?

Yeah, I had some black templar shoulder pads in my bits box but I hate painting white so I did them black and gold. The chapter is one I used in a DW fanfic I wrote a few years back so it seemed a waist not to use the name.

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