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So I have looked at a large amount of "How to paint yellow" threads and videos and it isn't the process that I am not getting, its the way my paint is drying that frustrates me. It seems like the paint dries before it should, and even if I am only using a small amount of paint it dries in weird chunks and ridges. This doesn't allow for the nice smooth finish I am seeing for most of these tutorials. Any advice? I am using Citadel paints over VMA primers.

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I think there was a minor meme floating around about yelling "thin your paints" but it is very good advice.


I'm gonna assume you're painting on a white primed model, but use a little Flow-Aid or even some Lamenters yellow wash to keep the paint liquidy and somewhat thin. I found if I'm painting in large quantities mixing up a small batch of yellow to a milky consistency (with flow aid and a tiny bit of water) helps the process fly by. If you're an out of the pot painter (much like I usually am for smaller pieces) making sure you're brush is lightly loaded with a bit of Lamenters before you let the brush suck up some of your choice of yellow (I personally use FlashGitz) that process will generally take a little longer and need more care in being consistent, but works pretty well in a pinch.

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It's worth noting that I got a bad pot of Averland Sunset not that long ago. It was sort of dried out, and even when I thinned it in the pot it retained a grainy consistency (not unlike the Typhus Corrosion paint). I emailed GW and they sent me a fresh, creamy-smooth pot. You sure that's not part of your problem? It'd be helpful to see a pic or two. 

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