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Making Havocs work.


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So, Havocs, we know that they aren't as out and out good as nurgle obliterators, but neither are they all that expensive for what you get.


There are all kinds of options available including special weapon spam. From what I've gathered the most optimal way in an all comers list is four autocannons but there's the availability of parts to consider and avoiding forgeworld there's not a huge amount of autocannons out there, I'm considering a mixed autocannons and missile launcher unit, at least as a stop gap.


The way the kits are sold gives you the inefficient mixture of autocannons, lascannon, heavy bolter and missile launcher which lacks a focussed battlefield role and relies on the odd lucky shot to do anything.


With any combination of weapons and intended role there's possibly more to consider than with many other units, which weapons? How many extra bodies? Rhino? Even marks can be considered.


So, if you were taking them what role would you be using them in and how would you approach that target?

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The only thing that really sucks about the Havocs are their outdated models and the aforementioned bad distribution of Heavy weapons in the box.


My advice in general on Havocs would be to never mix weapon types on them and to never take missile launchers ever. Like never ever.


Autocannons while slightly worse in 7th are stll the best and most flexible configuration. Had good results with 2x 5man Autocannon squads in cover in the past. Should stil work today and isn't that expensive for all the firepower you get. Add some Divination and you have something.

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Stripping hull points is still a solid use and role of autocannon Havocs, and they still do it well. It's just the AP4 that sucks, makes them pretty useless against anything with a 3+ which sadly includes most non-flying MCs.


I made my autocannon Havocs by buying Space Marine heavy bolter sets and Imperial Guard autocannons (from the Heavy Weapon Teams) off ebay, then I just cut the heavy bolter barrel off & cut the autocannon barrel off and attached it to the heavy bolter. It's not too expensive and is an easy conversion to do but the FW 30K kits are what I'd use now.


Sadly I don't field them (outside of big 2500+ games) as my first choice for HS is: 1) Maulerfiends 2) MoN Oblits 3) My Forgeworld converted Land Raider.

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My advice in general on Havocs would be to never mix weapon types on them and to never take missile launchers ever. Like never ever.



Completely agree, with the change to the vehicle damage table high strength weapons need to be better than ap2, making missile launchers fairly bad. 


I could see a use for just about any other type of havocs. Not the best choice, but I'd say you can't go wrong with them given havocs are pretty cheap. 

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My advice in general on Havocs would be to never mix weapon types on them and to never take missile launchers ever. Like never ever.



Completely agree, with the change to the vehicle damage table high strength weapons need to be better than ap2, making missile launchers fairly bad. 


I could see a use for just about any other type of havocs. Not the best choice, but I'd say you can't go wrong with them given havocs are pretty cheap. 



It's a shame, I love my Missile Launcher dudes. Alas.

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I generally see Havocs as a cut-price chosen unit in a more competitive slot.


4 special weapons being the way I'd generally field them.  In view of their comparative cheapness and reduced assault effectiveness (compared to Chosen) they are better suited to Plasma Guns.  Put in a Rhino, they should offer a decent 24" maximum threat bubble.


It's not how I'd field them, but the Heavy Weapon Havoc squad is arguably more viable in 7th.  It gains scoring status, so can hold an objective.  Playing mysterious objectives raises the possibility of getting a boost to them.  The Skyfire Nexus being the one most people would be hoping for.  


Autocannons are still #1 as far as Heavy Weapons go, with Lascannons coming in second.  I still rate missile launchers for their diversity (although the cost of Flakk Missiles is prohibitively high).  The changes to Vehicles and AP does mean they'll be glance-killers rather than pen-killers (though that was pretty much the case in 6th as well, as you needed that elusive 6 on a penetrating hit to kill a vehicle outright).  Heavy Bolters are (for me) always the bottom choice, I just don't see the point in taking them when you can take Autocannons.


The problem I have with Havocs is that I'd rather have my Vindicator, Autolas and Obliterators as they synergise with my list better.  That and I find Chosen better in the same role (that I would use them for) more often than not.


Putting that aside the tips I would offer would be:

- Don't mix weapons, it's 3-4 of the same weapon, regardless of what that weapon is.

- Special weapon units will need transport, the Rhino being preferable.

- Don't waste points on VotLW, Marks or Icons.  Cheapness means more models.

- The Champion could have a combi-weapon in a special weapon squad, but don't waste points on anything else.

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I don't think I've ever been unhappy to see my autocannon guys show up. Sure, they occasionally pick the wrong side of the board for some inscrutable reason, but they still tend to murder something.


As to ease of getting hold of them, there's the Anvil ones as well as FW upgrade kits, so it's not too bad nowadays.



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There's also these guys from evil industries:



Autocannon Gunner I (drum fed)




Autocannon Gunner II (belt fed)



Here's their main store page


Not the cheapest, but they look pretty cool, and very chaosy.



Alternatively, there's the FW heresy era autocannon set:




Which is cheaper (even counting the CSM bodies), and second party (so it's GW store legal),

but less chaosy, and a bit of a pain to model - requires cutting down the lower part of the chaos

backpacks, some care in choosing arms (not all CSM bolter arms will fit), and probably some

reposing of resin belts after softening them with hot water.

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I've built myself a nice looking autocannons out of a csm heavy bolter and a terminator reaper autocannons, I think I nicked the idea from brother Heinrich. But reaper autocannons parts are harder to get hold of at a cost effective price than I'd expected.


If I understand properly krak missiles have been nerfed so that they can only strip a hull point, with no chance of explosions and are objectively worse than autocannons due to one less shot, is that the general idea?

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I had 2 squads of 5 (one with missile launchers, the other with autocannons).  They pretty much just cover-camp like loyalist devastators, with the only "Special thing" being marks and autocannons and ability to take 4 specials.  Being used to tau and the AWESOMENESS of double missile pod crisis suits, I was dismayed by just how damn slow and unresponsive Havocs felt.  If I moved them at all-I was firing snap shots.

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